Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Hard Work or Luck
MARIA HERRADON GARCIA ââ¬Å"When people succeed in life, it is because of hard work. Being lucky has nothing to do with success in lifeâ⬠Everyone will agree that hard work is the main key to every step of success but luck has also some role to achieve those successes. So many people in this world work very hard but still do not meet their dreams and goals. From my everyday experience and observation I can totally disagree with the statement. I think people should have good luck also to lead their hard work towards success. To be lucky in life you must have worked hard for it previously. There are very rare cases in hich people have accomplished their goals because of pure luck. You need to prepare your self. Since we are children we go to the school, to start feeding or minds with the basics. As we grow up we acknowledge more and more information that will be key in our lives, even if we donââ¬â¢t know it. Preparation is essential because in order to develop your ideas you need a background to support them. The important thing is to love what you are working on, because being passionate about your job will help you to rise your career and do greater things. You need to have dreams and goals in life even if they are rather mpossible but it is also good to settle some lower targets in a short period of time will help you to avoid feeling deceived. Some great examples of hard workers that have received their rewards are Pedro Almodovar and Steve Jobs. Almodovar was born in Ciudad Real, so knowing the possibilities that Madrid could offer him he moved to the capital at the tender age of sixteen years old, all alone, without his family. He worked very hard to make his way into the movie industry and his talent wasnââ¬â¢t given an award until the release of ââ¬Å"Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nerviosâ⬠, eleven movies later, when he got his irst Goya. At the age of 50 he finally won an Academy Award, achieving the dream of any moviemaker. The cas e of Steve Jobs is the example that even when you have been defeated you must carry on and keep trying. When he was expelled from the company that he himself founded, Apple, he started a new company neXT that become so successful that Apple decided to buy it, so in the end he returned to his first company and as CEO he raised Apple to a worldwide level not known before. Those were examples of people that worked hard all their lives to be in their position, but there are other occasions in which people success ust because of their luck. To be one of those people, you have to be on the right place at the right time. You never know when the luck might come to you so you need to be always ready, because these lucky strikes are not very usual and sometimes you may not even realise that it was a great opportunity until you have lost your chance. Stay positive, think that you will have your opportunity. You have to be surrounded by the right people, and no body likes that pessimist that ar e always grumbling about their bad luck and how unfair life is. Most of the times the attitude is more important than the aptitude.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Integrating sustainability Essay
During the recent years many challenges have started facing communities due to the controversial tendencies in the modern world- rapid urbanization and struggles of communities for keeping environment in the state which was common for it for many centuries. The problem which communities have come across now is very complex, and requires a very well-considered approach. On one hand, the present generation wants to enjoy all the benefits of the time and take advantages of everything what it offers to them. On the other hand, itââ¬â¢s important to maintain to the environment in such a way that future generations can take advantage of it as well. Itââ¬â¢s impossible to use all of the natural resources in just recent years because further generations will not be able to use them. Therefore, issues of sustainability have become particularly sharp lately. One of the ways to face the challenge and devote necessary attention to sustainability issues is by carrying out well-balanced policy on the government level, defining the mission statement of the policy, setting correct objectives, analyzing the present state of environment and factors influencing it, and suggesting measures which can be used in order to implement the adopted strategies. The major role of strategic planning in this matter cannot be doubted. The strategy has to be carried out at the highest level in order to meet all of the goals which nowadays reality sets in front of us. In Sutherland Shire, the damage of land is connected with urban growth and the consequent influence on water quality, biodiversity and air quality. As the State of Environment Report states, ââ¬Å"in 2002/03, a total of 2,728 development applications were received in the Shire. Of these, 2,400 development applications were approved (54 less than approved in 2001/02). Of all development applications received, 13% were associated with new residential development. Medium density development accounted for 2% (50) of all development applications in 2002/03. â⬠(State of Environment Report, p. 10). Sutherland Shire Council has been very efficient during the recent years in setting objectives and implementing all the activities regarding environmental protection. The plans issued by the Sutherland Council manage to cover all the necessary issues which rise in the shire during the recent years. On one hand, the council focuses on the modern developments made in the shire but it also devotes lots of attention to environmental problems. In order to achieve maximum efficiency, the council regards all the activities provided in the shire to improve the life of dwellers through the prism of environmental protection. This approach has proved to be very efficient for present day realities. As the Management Plan of Sutherland Shire states, ââ¬Å"â⬠¦Sustainability is the ability to provide choices for future generations of the Shire without compromising those of our generation. The Shire has made progress in addressing challenges in community issues and safety, the natural environment, and transport, identified in 2000. Further integration of transport choices with land use, which affects community issues, safety and the environment, is required. An informed democratic process which carefully addresses Shire risks, and continued commitment to sustainability in council management, are fundamental to achieving sustainability. â⬠(Management Plan, 15) The perception of sustainability provided by Sutherland Shire Council plays a very important role in all the activities provided by the council. They include solving problems regarding community safety, transport, natural environment, and some other issues. The Management Plan and State of Environment Plan of Sutherland Shire both focus on ecologically sustainable development. The whole purpose of such development is taking into consideration all of the objectives which were set in NSW Local Government Act in 1993. The Management Plan has also been created according to the council adopted Our Guide for Shaping the Shire to 2030. The major strategic goals which the council states in the Management Plan are ââ¬Å"â⬠¦to pursue sustainability across economic, social and environmental considerations. We address economic, social and environmental issues on a day to day basis and in this plan, have made this more tangible with triple bottom line statements against our principal activitiesâ⬠(Management Plan, p. 12). The plan also states that the councilââ¬â¢s vision of the shire is ââ¬Å"a community working together to attain safe, healthy and active lifestyles, through accountable decision-making, that achieves sustainable development and economic opportunities, that respect people and natureâ⬠(Management Plan, p. 11). Describing the vision of the shire is a very important part of strategic planning of the council because the achievement of the marked vision of the shire is the major strategic goal which the council sets for the community. The strategic goal is expressed very well in the plan, and this enables the council to plan the activities carefully in order to achieve the goal. According to all of the mentioned documents, all the developments which take place in the shire during the following years had to be done without damaging the natural environment and preventing future generations from enjoying the benefits of clean water, beautiful gardens and many other advantages which nature has given to the shire long ago. The NSW Local Government Act stated that urban development which is currently occurring in the shire is very dangerous for the natural resources, for example water, air quality, biodiversity. Therefore, when adopting future plans for the development of shire, it was very important for the local council to take into consideration all the measures which would prevent natural environment from damage. Most of the measures taken during the recent years were very successful in this regard. According to the Sutherland Shire Management Plan, the two key components of ESD in local government are: a requirement for natural resource protection actions (e. g. bushland, waterways, tree canopy, etc. ) in all unit work programs, based on management plan development, including descriptions of individual management responsibilities within core business; reporting State of the Environment results including likely outcomes for key natural resource health indicators as a result of community decisions on planning options. (Management Plan, p. 14). The council has planned many measures which would be crucial in environmental protection. In the UN-Derived Local Action 21 Program, all the measures taken for integration of council with the community were marked. All of the joint efforts of the council and the community had to be devoted to eliminating environmental problems. For example, some measures were taken regarding the areas which are currently experiencing planning change. The main emphasize in the plan was made on the risk assessment techniques which would provide all of the necessary data about the possible damage which could be given to the environment in the result of the measures. All of the objectives set in the UN-Derived Local Action 21 Program answered the main strategic goals placed in front of the environment. The results of the program implementation however showed the lack of organization communication and some mistakes made during transport planning, therefore some more consideration had to be devoted to the structure of the program in order to eliminate negative impact of the mentioned factors. The main directions which the Council has set are very meaningful and help to implement all the activities which it has stated in the strategic goal: ? pursuing ecologically sustainable development, meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising those of the future; ? demonstrating organizational delivery of integrated services and be environmentally, socially and economically responsible and accountable; ? managing resources to maintain financial viability and enhance service provision? promoting access, equity and a sense of community (Management Plan, p. 11). Most of the directions which have been set by the Council are very complex and require joint efforts of people involved in the community life. In order to increase the efficiency of implementing the goals which have been set by the council, it makes a decision to encourage as many people as possible to participate in the community life. Therefore, increasing the number of citizens involved in the community life serves one of the ways to achieve the directions mentioned above. There are some other issues on which the council chooses to focus in order to meet all of the challenges which can arise from the objectives set by it. According to the Management Plan of Sutherland Shire, the main issues on which the council is planning to focus during the next years included the following: ? Nurture our clean and beautiful natural environment; ? Improve our suburbs; ? Increase the number of citizens involved in community life; ? Maintain our prosperous local economy; ? Build safe, healthy and active lifestyles; ? Business activities; ? Support services (Management Plan). As itââ¬â¢s possible to tell from the list of activities which the council was providing, the main feature of the plan was combining activities leading to the increase of the level of life of people in the shire, brining development into their lifestyles, and at the same time focusing on the measures of environmental protection. Itââ¬â¢s very important that the council has devoted lots of attention to the issue of nurturing the clean and beautiful natural environment of the Sutherland Shire. This features of the plan shows that the major strategic goals which have been put in from of the council are being implemented. The importance of other measures which have been taken by the council, like increasing the number of citizens involved in the community life, increasing the prosperity of local economy, building active lifestyles are very important as well. Those are also one of the measures which have to be taken to prepare future generations for a happy and prosperous life. If actions taken to protect environment are very important for the future generations ecology vice because they guarantee them life in a clean environment, actions taken to increase the prosperity of the shire are equally important. One of the major features of the Management Plan and State of Environment Report of Sutherland Shire is that the mentioned actions donââ¬â¢t come into controversion with one another. This is a very important achievement of the councilââ¬â¢s planning which can be marked as an outstanding one. As long as the objectives of environmental activities and of urban development activities are well-balanced, the results of the plan implementation will always be positive. There are many activities which have been planned by the Council in order to protect the environment. In the plan, there have been included many activities which dealt with peopleââ¬â¢s recreation (like building public golf courses, tennis courts, vacation facilities), providing services for youth and older people and some others, but the main attention was devoted to environmental issues. The list of activities planned by the Council to protect the environment includes the following responsibilities and services: ? animal shelter ? beaches ? Bushcare ? certification (for development) ? Cleansing of public places ? clean-up campaign ? Earthworks ? economic development support? environmental assessment and application determination ? environmental compliance ? environmental education ? environmental health and regulation ? environmental planning ? environmental research and policy ? parks maintenance and construction ? plan of management for community land ? roads construction and traffic management ? stormwater drainage ? street cleaning ? waste collection and education (Management Plan, p. 13). In order to have a full view of how the activities have been balanced in the Management Plan, itââ¬â¢s necessary to investigate the data which is provided in the organizational budget summary. According to the data of capital works budget, the Council spends the most financial resources on building safe, healthy and active lifestyles (19,537,713), non-divisional programs and indirect income (18,073,881), and improving suburbs (10,253,947). The financial resources which are spent on nurturing clean and beautiful nature environment are the next in the list by the volume of budget expenses and can be estimated by 6,561,895. This figure appears quite low in comparison with other activities on which budget money goes. In order to maintain the environment, itââ¬â¢s necessary for the Council to re-structure the expenses of the budget and make sure that more resources are channeled to the environmental protection. The amount of budget money spent on building safe, healthy and active lifestyles is too high, and itââ¬â¢s important for the Council to devote enough attention to environmental protection. The resources which have been channeled for this issue are insufficient, and itââ¬â¢s necessary for the budget planners to take a closer look at this problem. The environmental programs which have been planned by the Council require substantial financial support, therefore the budget has to be planned accordingly to the possible cost of the programs. For example, as the State of Environment report marks, the following programs have been initiated by the Council: Oyster Bay Trip Substitution Project, Beaches to Bay Bus, Travel access Guides in order to reduce car use. Those projects need substantial financial support from the government. Itââ¬â¢s very important to take measures in protecting environmentally sensitive land such as Botany Bay National Park, Geroges River National Park, Heathcote National Park, Royal National Park. In order to protect environmentally sensitive land, financial support from the council is very much needed, and large sums of money have to be channeled to the mentioned activities. As the investigations have shown, the Southerland Shire Management Plan and State of Environment report provide sufficient strategic and operational directions. They both reflect all of the strategic goals which have been set for the shire in order to provide choices for future generations without preventing present generations from enjoying all the benefits of nowadays reality. The actions marked in the plan represent a compromise between the necessity of rapid urban growth dictated by present day realities and the necessity to protect environment for future generations to enjoy beautiful nature and clean air in the same way we do now. Bibliography. 1. Management Plan. Sutherland Shire Council. 2. NSW Local Government Act, 1993. 3. State of Environment Report 2002/2003. Sutherland Shire Council.
Monday, July 29, 2019
SKT2LIt review for nursing research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
SKT2LIt review for nursing - Research Paper Example The physician may have coined this leads to increased cases of alteration of the original medical instruction as. The increased lawsuit cases against healthcare institutions charged with malpractices is attributed to patientââ¬â¢s inability to process and comprehend medical information from nurses (Nutbeam, 2000). This problem therefore affects the administration of nursing facilities as it does the nurses and the patients due to the financial commitments they have to make during these lawsuits. Health literacy among patients is thus a problem whose impacts affect a wide group of individuals with impacts that can cost a life, affect the image of a facility or even break the career of a nursing professional. Based on the impacts of this problem, the formulation of solutions and methods of improving the literacy levels of patients should be developed promptly. The complexity of health issues continue to rise and this makes it significant to create methods of providing prompt solutio ns to the problem to help mitigate the impacts that it has in the nursing profession and the entire health profession (Scheckel, Emery and Nosek, 2010). Symptoms of problem Health literacy has no direct correlation with educational literacy as many may believe and this has resulted into lack of development of proper methods of addressing the problem. Understanding medical terms and instructions require a medical background, which is only available among the health workers. To help cushion nurses from taking responsibility for health related errors committed by patients, there is increased need to evaluate ways of improving health literacy among the general population. This will also help reduce the number of lawsuits against health facilities for mistakes committed because of low literacy levels of the patients, a situation that the hospital administration may lack proper ability to solve (Baker, 2006). There is a lot of evidence to illustrate the grave consequences of low health li teracy levels among residents of the United States and how this affects the general nursing profession. The lack of limited health vocabulary among patients compounded by facile use of medical terms by nursing professionals is responsible for increased health illiteracy and complications. A number of empirical evidence available in the country demonstrates the impacts of health literacy level on improved patientââ¬â¢s care. In the early 80s, patients in the United States who were diagnosed with asthma were given instructions to take theophylline regularly and to ensure diligence in following appointments as made by the nurses (Baker et al., 2002). According to Gormley-Fleming and Campbell (2011) the theophllyne prescription given to the patients were written scientifically and thus required a certain level of literacy for the patients to understand. The level of patient literacy at this time was attributed to the increased development of theophylline resistance among the general population attributed to lack of clear adherence to the instructions. Today, patients are given instructions to monitor their own disease using a peak flow meter, while making selections and correct use of appropriate inhalers. Further instructions may require the patients to augment the therapies with oral doses of steroid to help exuberate their asthma. Understanding this kind of instructions require advanced literacy levels among patients as any single omissions done has dire consequences
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Why do students from ASEAN countries choose Turkish universities Thesis Proposal
Why do students from ASEAN countries choose Turkish universities - Thesis Proposal Example This essay discusses that most of the students in the ASEAN nations would prefer to study in countries that are hailed as being the most appropriate for the purpose of changing the way students approach learning (Deterding and Kirkpatrick, 399). However, there are barriers such as the cost of learning in Western institutions that discourage them from applying to foreign institutions in Europe and America (Ozbilgin and Healy, 370). In addition, the recession that was experienced in places like the United States and Europe means that there will be fewer job opportunities after completing degrees (Kelecioßlu, 66). This is the right mix for the guardians of students in many ASEAN nations who wish for their children to benefit from an excellent institution in a culturally appropriate setting (Brinkerhoff, 28). In addition, Turkey has amenities that support cultural separations of gender, which are supported by communities in many ASEAN nations (Vekiri and Chronaki, 1397). Turkish stude nts are usually also quite successful in the global job market (Ã
žahin, 98). This serves as a testimony to the scholastic rigor that characterizes Turkish universities (Akpinar and Bayramoßlu, 54). It is also a well known fact that the aging of the American and European populations, along with the continued globalization of the worldââ¬â¢s finance, as well as business sectors is likely to result in an increase in demand of students from recognized institutions such as exist in Turkey (Dagli, Silman, and Birol, 1289).
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Report about the Federal Aviation Administration Essay
Report about the Federal Aviation Administration - Essay Example For instance, the tragedy that befell the nation on 11th September, 2001 asked for new and stringent approach to aviation safety. Airport, in-flight and passenger security became all the more important. The Aviation and Transport Security Act passed in November of the same year created Transportation Security Administration solely for aviation security. However, FAA remains ââ¬Å"responsible for the certification, production approval, and continued airworthiness of aircraft; and certification of pilots, mechanics, and others in safety-related positionsâ⬠(Federal Aviation Authority, n.d.). FAA regulates civil air space and provides air navigation services using Air Traffic Organization (ATO), its operations wing. With the latest technology and more than 30000 specialist personnel such as technicians and controllers, ATO ensures safe navigation in the USA skies. FAA reports that last decade has been the safest periods in aviation history. The system is proactive and using advanced technology collects, analyses, reports and identifies trouble spots, weather threats and other risks and acts accordingly. FAAââ¬â¢s Airports Organization inspects and regulates airports, their design, standards, safety, rates and charges as well as allocation of grants towards infrastructure development. The most recent initiative in improving travel experience is the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) that ropes in satellite and advanced digital communication. This improves safety, efficiency and minimizes environmental issues, such as emissions. FAA also has an academy exclusively dedicated to training its personnel as well as inducting new workforce into its culture of safety and efficiency. FAA carries out extensive research on all its areas of operation and continues to become more effective in its
New product Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
New product - Essay Example The first stage was the idea generation stage where various ideas were generated (Keiser and Myrna 75). The ideas were thereafter screened looking at the feasibility and the profitability of the product sales. The ideas that passed the screening test entered the concept development and testing stage. It is at this point that the ideas are stated in a manner that targeted consumers can understand. The concepts were then tested with a small constituency of the target market. Strong concepts that meet the target market expectation proceeded to the marketing strategy stage whereby the initial products are marketed among the target consumers. The next stage is the business analysis stage in which the sales and costs analysis is taken to determine whether they are in line with the company objectives (Keiser and Myrna 76). Since the magic cloth, met the customersââ¬â¢ satisfaction and was profitable because of the high sales rate. The costs analysis also showed that the economies of scal e would reduce the unit production stage. The final stage is the commercialization stage in which the product was launched officially for sale in the market. In setting the prices, the company considered the costs incurred in the production process and marketing costs (Keiser and Myrna 77). Other factory overheads and operational costs was also included in determining the total costs. After consideration of all the costs, a margin was set which would ensure that the targeted profit is earned. Besides, the price set was pegged on external factors like the prices of competitors. In the highly competitive industry, consumers are sensitive to prices and any overcharge could lead to loss of sales. Moreover, the demand also had an impact on the sales price. At times of high demand, magic cloth was sold at a higher rate compared to low demand period. Since the prices cannot be constant in a free market where competition is encouraged, there was ways in which the prices were adjusted. First,
Friday, July 26, 2019
Starbucks ethics negative side Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Starbucks ethics negative side - Assignment Example Interest of the enterprises to follow and adopt business ethics as part of their functioning has fallen down during the recession period, with unethical practices indirectly leading to recession. (Purlys 711). Starbucks is under this ethical scanner for a long time, and now the global changes on how companies should function ethically, make it imperative on the part of Starbucks to be more ethically sound, but that is not the case, with Starbucks facing problems in organizing in the changing global environment. Although, Starbucks wants to establish itself as the most recognized and respected brand in the world, it is facing some ethical issues and it is negatively affecting its organizing efforts in the changing environment. Starbucks is facing criticism for unethical as well as controversial activities like not compulsorily providing Fair Trade Coffee in all its stores and because of the use of Bovine Growth Hormone milk in its coffees and ice-creams. Fair Trade Coffee is the term given to the coffee beans, which are purchased by Starbucks or other coffee makers through ethical means like providing fair and industry standard prices to the coffee growers in the Home country as well as in the Third World countries. Also, Fair Trade activities including Fair Trade Coffee support and intersect with other community development efforts, grounding and enhancing the resulting benefits (Raynolds, Murray and Taylor 1116). However, Starbucks is accused of not selling these Fair Trade coffees in all its stores compulsorily, instead selling only to the clients, who ask for it or demand it. This way, they still selling non-Fair Trade coffees and because of this unethical practice, they are giving very low prices to the farmers, forcing them into a cycle of poverty and debt, and also not doing enough community services for them. Although, Starbucksââ¬â¢ chairman, Howard Schultz mandated that coffee farmers from its major sources in the African countries
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Business strategy in Chinese restaurant Assignment - 1
Business strategy in Chinese restaurant - Assignment Example The purpose of this report is to explore the marketing strategies of Hai Di Lao hot pot by applying the PESTEL and SWOT framework. The strategic options for expansion of the restaurant are discussed in this report and finally the recommendations are suggested. Political: The Chinese government has been following liberalization policies and this includes a drive of opening foreign based fast food chains in the country. Since 2007, the government have banned all the unlicensed food suppliers. This implies that the restaurant owners have to be highly careful in terms of procurement of food from suppliers. The Chinese governmentââ¬â¢s policy on food safety is paramount. Economic: China is one of the fastest growing markets among the emerging market economies with an average rate of growth of 9.10 % from 1990 to 2014 (Trading Economics, 2014). The growth of the Chinese economy has been coupled with the growth of disposable income of middle class (Wang, 2012). The average rate of per capita GDP of China is estimated to be about $ 2611 dollars (World Bank, 2014). According to statistics, the fast food restaurant in China is expected to grow by 6% in terms of value sales (Euromonitor International, 2014). Social: Based on social taste and preferences, Chinese fast food market can be differentiated on the basis of domestic fast food industry and foreign fast food industry (Deloitte, 2012). Though, the consumers are acquiring a taste of foreign fast foods yet the domestic Chinese fast food is very popular representing 70% of market share (Research and Markets, 2011). Technological: Technological elements like using Electronic Funds Transfer at Point of Sale (EFTPOS) and advanced equipments in the kitchen reduce cost of production of the company. Using social media marketing and using internet technology to manage inventory can also help companies reduce their costs. Legal: Legislations for restaurant industry in China is
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Controller Suggestions for ABC Company Math Problem
Controller Suggestions for ABC Company - Math Problem Example There are numerous lawsuits that are filed against companies dealing with building materials as a result of faulty products, which lead to ââ¬Ësick buildingsââ¬â¢. The company risks paying huge fines if it is accused of selling products of this nature and fails to win the case. i. What does this statement of cash flow tell you about the sources and uses of the company? The cash flow statement above shows that the company largely relies on the operating activities for financing, and most of its expenditure goes to the operating activities. Surprisingly, the company appears to have kept away from alternative investments, which could otherwise offer a reprieve to the cash flow challenges the company is experiencing. ii. Is there anything ABC Company can do to improve the cash flow? The ABC Company has many alternatives that can be used to improve its cash flow. The current cash situation is very bad especially because the company has focused on its operating activities to generate cash at the expense of alternative sources of cash. Ideally, the company can use borrowed cash to finance in new and profitable ventures. Currently, there is no evidence of the company repaying any loan interest and hence opting for a loan will balance the companyââ¬â¢s capital structure. The company should also ensure that the cash that is borrowed is used to finance operations that will boost the sales by a big margin, so that the cash inflow from operations can be boosted. iii. Can this project be financed with current cash flow from the company? Why or why not? This project cannot get financing from the current cash flow from the company because it is not adequate. For instance, the current yearââ¬â¢s cash flow statement revealed only $5,000 was left as the net balance. The anticipated project needs fiance to be sourced from outside, for example by borrowing from a bank or issuing new shares among other sources (Leary and Roberts 2575). iv. If the company needs additional financing beyond what the ABC Company can provide internally (either now or sometime throughout the life of the project), how would you suggest the company obtain the additional financing, equity or corporate debt, and why? The company should obtain corporate debt since it is the best option to finance this particular project. Ideally, this is the best option as opposed to equity because there is some evidence that the company has already invested in equity because of the dividends being paid to the shareholders, yet there is no evidence of debt finance. Perhaps, to realize the maximum from the invested capital, the company should strike a good balance between equity and debt. Furthermore, obtaining financing by issuing more equity shares will water down the shareholders stake and this could not be in the interest the shareholders. Therefore, it would be advisable for the company to obtain corporate debt so long as the benefits that will be realized from such financing will outweig h the interest paid for the debt (Leary and Roberts 2575). III. Product cost a. What is the product cost for the expansion product? Expansion Product (estimate) Selling Price ? Units produced and expected to be sold 5,000 Machine Hours 5,000 Direct Materials 28,000 Direct labor dollars
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Exam(account) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Exam(account) - Essay Example (Abrema, 2009) There are many methods which are preferred by the Accounting Standards for the valuation of the stock, e.g. Specific Identification, FIFO, LIFO, Weighted Average etc. In order to assess the stock valuation model to be adopted by the company, following points would be considered: Specific Identification method is the most favorable and an ideal method to be used. Here, the actual cost of the Inventory can be identified but there are some limitations as it can be used in large and easily traceable good manufacturing industries such as Vehicles and Furniture. (Money Central, 2009) In FIFO (First In First Out) method, it is assumed that the goods that were bought first were also sold first. As a result, during a rising trend in prices FIFO will give a better assessment of the cost of ending Inventory. (CBA, 1998) LIFO (Last In First Out) method assumes that the goods bought in at the end are being sold first. Therefore, the ending inventory will be valued at a lower price during a rising trend in prices and vice versa. (CBA, 1998) but one of the advantages of using LIFO is that it reduces the amount of taxes during rising trend of prices. In Weighted Average, an average of the whole rate is determined and that rate is applied to the Ending Inventory. It is easy to calculate but it doesnââ¬â¢t show the exact effect of Inflation on prices. (CBA,
Monday, July 22, 2019
Equality and Diversity Essay Example for Free
Equality and Diversity Essay This essay examines the key factors that influence inclusive learning and teaching in the lifelong learning sector. Teaching methods will vary according to what you want to get out of the session, what the learners are able to achieve within the time frame, what materials and resources are available, what you are teaching, the needs of the learners and your personal style. This could be formal, informal or a mixture of both. Formal teaching methods include lecturers, demonstrations and presentations. Informal teaching includes discussions, group work and practical activities. As I will be teaching within the Beauty Therapy my lessons would be a mixture of both these delivery methods. Each activity within the classroom will consist of teaching and learning activities which are balanced to meet the different needs of my learners. Blended learning incorporates both traditional and computer based methods. This is commonly referred to as Information learning technology (ICT) this use of computer based technology to enhance teaching methods and resources or develop learner autonomy is widely promoted. The other main teaching methods other than ICT I am opting to use are lecturers and demonstrations. These demonstrations are very important as it would show the students the beauty routine that we would expect them to follow within their practical sessions. This ensures that students will be working to the same standard and will also adhere to the requirements of the awarding body. Practical sessions also help to explain difficult parts of the task when verbal exposition in not enough. I would also use group work activities, these particularly suit kinaesthetic learners but also when you have a group consisting of various abilities it allows both weak and strong learners to work collectively. Question and Answer sessions will be most commonly used in my tutorials. If I was teaching for example ââ¬Ëthe bones and muscles of the body) I would ask students to identify where muscles are on the body to help promote learning. At the start of the course the approach I will use to facilitate inclusive learning will be to carry out an initial assessment. This will help me identify what type of learners they are, I would then plan my teaching sessions to meet these individual needs by using a mix of visual, auditory, kinaesthetic teaching and learning strategies. For example I had just completed a practical demonstration to my group on ââ¬Ëa facial routineââ¬â¢, I wanted to make sure my learners could confidently work in pairs and practice this routine on each other. A task like this would suit the kinaesthetic because he/she is provided with an opportunity to do and learn, and for the visual learner I would produce a step by step illustrated hand-out to support the routine. The Equality Act 2010 outlines protective characteristics which promote equality within schools and colleges and prevent discrimination. This includes sexuality, sex, disability, marital status and religion. In order to promote equality in my classroom I will need to respond positively to the diverse needs of all learners. Effective communication with learners is essential and it is the teacherââ¬â¢s responsibility to ensure that learners understand appropriate vocabulary and terminology and that comments are not discriminatory or offensive. As a teacher I would keep language simple so that if I have a learner from different backgrounds they may not have the same level of English as British learners. Resources used such as hand-outs, assignments and work sheets will also aim to promote equality and diversity. For example I would produce worksheets in a gender free language and also aim to promote multiculturalism by producing scenario based worksheets that use names from various ethnic backgrounds. I would also pace my sessions so students have plenty of time to take notes and ask any questions. Although inclusion is about supporting learnersââ¬â¢ needs. It is not always possible for teachers to do this without support themselves. All teachers should be aware of the limits of their own responsibility and know when and where to access support for learners. you will not be able to get students to solve all their own difficulties. Get to know and use your institutions student services or pastoral support system: it exists to support your students, and you, so do refer where it is appropriateâ⬠Petty 2004 There are many places of referral within education; these can be both internal within the education establishment or an external organisation. The internal places of referral may inc lude student support services, learner study support centre, and counselling and careers advice. If I had a student for example who needed help with writing their essay I would arrange for them to go to the learner study support centre who would be able to assist Learners with learning difficulties or disabilities may need additional support and may need a designated support worker to support them within the classroom. A learner with dyslexia may find it hard to read text or numbers or have difficulty with writing and spelling, therefore I would produce written hand-outs and allow learners with dyslexia to present their ideas verbally or tape notes if necessary. Political correctness is a commonly used term at the moment and is used to ensure that expressions do not cause offence to any particular group of people. There are also many external agencies where learners can be referred, and which agency they are referred to would depend on the individualââ¬â¢s needs of the learner. This may include health related issues, family difficulties, poor attendance, or repeated challenging behaviour. The purpose of referring a learner to an external support agency is to support an individual student and to help them overcome their difficulties which are impacting on their education. For example if I had a student who was constantly disruptive in class and had a record of aggressive behaviour I would refer them to the Pupil Referral Unit. They would help and encourage the learner to be involved in the learning process, but in a smaller environment where they be in a much smaller group (3-4 learners) and also receive one-to-one support. Functional skills such as literacy, numeracy and ICT can be easily integrated into my lessons. These activities will meet both literacy and numeracy standards but are more easily understood by the learner. An example of this would be an assignment covering salon duties. I would ask the students to produce a sales ledger for stock to be re-ordered from our supplier. This would include maths as the student would have to calculate the cost of goods and also the total value of the order, it would include English as the student needs to produce the document and ICT as the student would have to present it in a typed format. The best way to establish ground rules with my learners is to negotiate them. The rules should be appropriate and fair and agreed as a whole class. As a teacher, I would establish ground rules during the first session, and plan a short activity around this. The class could discuss what is expected of them and write the rules in small groups. I would also list a few ground rules and then negotiate them as a class. This gives all learners the opportunity to be included and involved and as they have decided on the rules they are also more likely to respect them. When establishing ground rules it is important to ensure they are clear and brief and start positively rather than with ââ¬Ëdo notââ¬â¢. Once the rules have been established I would ask the learners to write them on some flipchart paper and hang them up in the class so that they are visible to all. It is also important to reinforce the rules consistently and to phrase learners when rules have been adhered to. I feel this method would motivate learners and also model good behaviour. Some rules may not be able to be negotiated. For example when the students come into class they must be wearing their salon uniforms and hair must be tied back. As a teacher even though I have designed my lessons to meet everyoneââ¬â¢s needs I still need to ensure that my learners are motivated and want to learn. Maslow (1970) argues that basic needs such a food, safety, love and belonging and self-esteem need to be met in order for them to achieve their goals and aspirations. Everyone is motivated through either Intrinsic (because they want to learn) or extrinsic motivators (because they have to i. e. better job prospects). ââ¬Å"A good teacher will play to the strengths of the learner when trying to raise enthusiasm in learningâ⬠Wilson 2004 ââ¬â page 188 Other theories of motivation that can be used to motivate learners include the goal orientated theory, based on desire to be rewarded for achievement. A learner is given a clear direction or task and when it is reached there is a reward. For example I would set a group task for my learners to complete within the lesson. If they finish before the end of the lesson they are allowed an early break. If they donââ¬â¢t complete the task at the by the end of the session they will have to complete as homework. Albert Bandura (1994) suggested that an individualââ¬â¢s belief in themselves and their ability is related to what they can achieve. An example of how this can be applied into the classroom is to encourage my learner to try, and re-explain the topic if they are unsure. Through coaching and reassurance I will enable that learner to achieve. Giving effective feedback will help to improve the confidence of learners and develop their potential. Feedback should be delivered promptly and be a two way process. I would ask the learner how they think they did and get an idea if their understanding of the topic. Even if I had negative feedback to give to my learner I would end with a positive statement to incite the learner to take my comments on board and leave them feeling more positive about their performance. To conclude I suggest that inclusive teaching can only take place if both equality and diversity are positively promoted. Inclusive teaching relies on a range of differentiation strategies which may include adapted resources or additional classroom support. Depending on individual learner needs, learners may need to be referred to internal or external places of referral for extra support. .
Jung and Freudââ¬â¢s Theory of the Unconscious Essay Example for Free
Jung and Freudââ¬â¢s Theory of the Unconscious Essay Jungs theory of the unconscious sprang from the influence of disassociationist psychology, whereby ideas and images tend to combine into complexes that represent a measure of ones personality. Thus, in his 1902 work, Jung theorized that the phenomenon called somnambulism might be an attempt of a future personality to break through. In 1935, Jung posited the existence of the collective unconscious, which represents complexes that exist apart from peoples intentions (Astor, 2002). Freud placed too much emphasis on the aspects of sexual and aggressive drives in his theory of the unconscious (Anzieu, 1986). On the other hand, Jung believed that the human unconscious is motivated by higher drives than these two, such as an inherent desire to seek self-development and religious fulfillment. Moreover, Jung deviated from Freudââ¬â¢s theory of the unconscious by positing that each person has a unique unconscious and that such unconscious may be accessed by a person voluntarily (Anzieu, 1986). Moreover, Jung carried his theory of the unconscious further by theorizing about the collective unconscious, which is composed of a universal set of ideas that belong to the entire human race, which passed from one generation to the next. Thus, Jung believed that a personââ¬â¢s personality is not only influenced by personal factors, but also by cultural influences that help build his personality (The New York Association for Analytical Psychology, 2008). Freud would have treated Mary Jones through his process called psychoanalysis, or simply, the talking-cure. Freud believed that the psychological problems that appear to underlie Mary Jones manifestations could be solved by talking about them. Psychoanalysis consists in the patients narration of his thoughts and feelings to the therapist. Meanwhile, the therapist is supposed to listen carefully to the client, and from the clients narration formulate his analysis and help the client achieve some insight into the unresolved conflicts of the client, which are only embedded in the unconscious (Anzieu, 1986). On the other hand, since Jungian analysis aims to form a strong relationship between the conscious and the unconscious, Jung would not confine the process to a mere discussion of the patients thoughts and feelings. Jung believed that the unconscious is a wellspring of psychic energy and healing; thus, he would utilize images and symbols designed to spontaneously unlock the patients fantasies and dreams. These images help in the exploration of new possibilities and achievement of personal transformation (The New York Association for Analytical Psychology, 2008). Jung places more emphasis n the process that occurs during the therapy sessions, rather than the content of the therapy. Jungian analysis aims to help the patient achieve an understanding and awareness of the unconscious and thereby give relief to the patients symptoms (The New York Association for Analytical Psychology, 2008). The differences in the treatment styles of Jung and Freud illustrate the following differences in their views of the unconscious:
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Sin in Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter
Sin in Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter Introduction Born on 4th July, 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts, Nathaniel Hawthorne established himself as one of the greatest American writer. He is best known for his short stories, most of which were written between 1825- 1850, and two of his famous novels which brought to him international fame- The Scarlet Letter (mid-march 1850) and The House of Seven Gables (1851). He seems to be surrounded by history, all his life. His ancestors were the notorious Puritans. He was a part of the circle that included scholars and philosophers like Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and future President Franklin Pierce. His booksââ¬â¢ rave reviews were written by Edgar Allen Poe. He was a shy, rarely socializing with people except with his wife Sophia. He thought of himself as too much of a realist. Hawthorneââ¬â¢s work was often set in or around the Puritan New England towns of Salem and Concord highlighting the hypocrisy, sin and corruption. He came from a distinguished Puritan family which had played an active role in the history of Massachusetts. His works threw light on the darker side of human nature, which he preferred to address as ââ¬Ëromanceââ¬â¢ as it showed the ââ¬Ëdepths of human natureââ¬â¢. To him, romance meant confronting the reality and not evading it. He dealt with the idea that human nature is fundamentally flawed. It was Hawthorneââ¬â¢s appreciable talent that he conveyed his pessimistic view on life through a story that attracted readers with its power and truth. Hawthorne worked as the surveyor of customs in the port of Salem from 1846-49. In 1853, President Pierce appointed Hawthorne to a four-year term as US consulate in Liverpool, England. 1857 onwards, Hawthorne resided in Italy and again in England before returning to Concord in 1860. Hawthorneââ¬â¢s last years were unrelieved from gloom and despondency financially, and after four years following his return to America, he died while on an expedition with his friend and mentor, Franklin Pierce, on 19 May, 1864, at Plymouth, New Hampshire. The Scarlet Letter was Hawthorneââ¬â¢s first full-length story if we ignore the earlier failure- Fanshawe (1828). It was his first full-length story, and yet, superior to any full-length story that he later wrote. The Scarlet Letter was a Declaration of American Literary Independence. The Scarlet Letter opens up with a long introduction named ââ¬Å"Custom Houseâ⬠. In this, Hawthorne has written a partial autobiographical sketch covering three years of his life as surveyor in the Salem custom-house (1846-49). Hawthorne begins the custom-house introduction by requesting the reader to bear with his writing skills. He tells us about himself his post because he feels the need to explain how the following pages of the Scarlet Letter came to be written. He only considers himself an editor claims that he has only given the story a few extra touches to give as real a picture of the 17th century Puritan New England society as was possible for him. Salem is Hawthorneââ¬â¢s native town which he confesses that he loves only when he goes away from it. This is the place where his original ancestor William Hawthorne came nearly two a quarter centuries ago. In Salem, Williamââ¬â¢s descendants have been born have died. Salem has been the focal center of the Hawthorneââ¬â¢s. He then mentions the sea going tradition for over a hundred years in his family. Later, Hawthorne talks about his return to Salem where he was given the job in custom-house. He then gives us a pen sketch of the venerable old officials of the custom-house. Climax of the custom-house introduction talks about its second story which was a large room in which the brick work the beams have never been covered with plasters which was left as it was when the port was shifted from Salem to Boston. In this room, in the midst of other rubbish, Hawthorne found a bundle with a rag of cloth on which the letter A was embroided. With this cloth was a document written by surveyor Pue, his predecessor, which told the history of the scarlet letter and its bearer Hester. When Hawthorne lost his customs post, he determined to write a fictional account of the events recorded in the manuscript. The Scarlet Letter is the outcome. The story begins in seventeenth-century Boston, then a Puritan settlement. A great scholar of advanced age named Roger sends his young wife Hester Prynne to a small village in Boston for buying a house intended to follow her. But he was detained by Red Indians for two years. After the completion of two years of imprisonment when he comes to Boston, he finds that the crowd of Boston was waiting before the gate of the local prison. Soon the gate opened his wife Hester comes out with a child of 3 months in her arms. She was charged with the sin of adultery. The magistrates ordered her to stand at a raised platform in the market place wear the stigma (mark of disgrace) of the scarlet letter ââ¬ËAââ¬â¢ (adulterous). The Puritan Boston followed morality strictly for them violation of morality was as good as violation of law. Adultery was punishable with death. The magistrates had taken pity on the young woman allowed her to live but she was to wear the ââ¬ËAââ¬â¢ as a mark of social disgrace. She was asked to give the name of sinner but she refused was ready to face the agony all alone. She was sent back to the prison. While standing on the platform in the market place, Hester recognised her husband in the crowd. Her husband visited her in the prison as a physician to cure her her child from pain restlessness. Hester was shocked thought that to seek revenge he will kill the child as well as her. But he told her that he had no such intention. It was his mistake to marry a young beautiful girl in advanced age for that he would forgive her. But he could not forgive the sinner who had wronged both of them. So he wanted her to give him his identity disclose the name of the sinner. But s he told that she could not oblige him. He told Hester that in that case he would find him on his own as he searched truth in books. He told her that he wanted to keep his identity disclosed. Hester swore he assumed a new name Roger Chillingworth. Roger was a great scholar of physics and during his captivity with Red Indians, he studied several herbs which could cure human ailments. Boston needed such a physician and he establishes himself in the town and big or small took him as a boon to the Puritan community of the town. Father Arthur Dimmesdale was a young and popular priest of the town. He was a religious man and considered by the people as a true soul. His sermons were popular and praised by people of the entire area. He always kept his heart protected by a piece of cloth his right hand. In course of time he began to feel the pain his health deteriorated. Chillingworth befriended him started giving him medical treatment. As his condition worsened it was considered proper that the physician Dimmesdale should live together so that Dr. Roger could properly diagnose. In course of observation Roger comes to the conclusion that the ailment was concerned with the spirit of the clergyman so he requested him to allow him to examine his spirit soul. The priest objected told him that human soul was Godââ¬â¢s concern; hence he wonââ¬â¢t allow a man to stand between his soul God. Dr. Roger gets suspicious one day he enters his room when he was asleep examines his heart. It gave him devilish pleasure for he had seen the secret scarlet letter ââ¬ËAââ¬â¢ on his chest found the sinner. He subjects him to mental torture the priest was virtually driven to madness. Hester cannot tolerate the agony of Dimmesdale informs him that his friend was his enemy. She reveals that Roger was her husband. He was only planning Dimmesdaleââ¬â¢s ruin for revenge. She asks the priest to escape from that place. By this time, Hester Arthurââ¬â¢s daughter Pearl has grown up as a seven years old child. For the sake of the daughter, Dimmesdale first refused to escape but then agreed to her plan. Roger comes to know about their plan. The health of the priest was causing anxiety to him day-by-day. On the Election Day the town crowd was to be seen in the streets a procession was arranged. Arthur was called upon to give his last sermon to the people. While going to the market place he stops near the same raised platform where seven year ago Hester was humiliated publically. He asked Hester Pearl to help him reach the platform. He impulsively climbs up the scaffold with his lover and his daughter, and confesses publicly, exposing the ââ¬ËAââ¬â¢ seared into the flesh of his chest. He falls dead, as Pearl kisses him. Chillingworth dies a year later. Hester and Pearl leave Boston, and no one knows about them. Many years later, Hester returns alone, still wearing the scarlet letter, to live in her old cottage and resume her charitable work. She sometime receives letters from Pearl, who has settled with a European aristocrat. When Hester dies, she is buried next to Arthur. The two share a single tombstone, which bears a scarlet ââ¬ËAââ¬â¢. Chapter- II The Psychology of Sin The story of The Scarlet Letter is a display of how the American Puritan society was then. According to that Puritan society Hester has sinned unredeemable sin and thus she was punished and had to wear her badge of shame which will remind her of her guilt. Also the presence of her daughter, the result of this sin will make her realize of her guilt. The puritan society asserts its authority over the individual conscience by forcing Hester to accept her punishment. But who gave this right to the society to judge whether Hester was a sinner or not? Hester herself had developed a sympathetic intuition about sinners in Boston and that she could understand sinfulness in people in whom it was to be the least expected. At the beginning of the story, it is the most frustrated people who are the most outspoken critics of Hester. It shows that a Boston Puritan Society that is not capable of judging Hester because all its members are sinful in one way or the other. Hester was in a position in which she may have offended a social or moral code but so have the others, like Dimmesdale, Chillingworth, Bellingham and other unnamed people. Therefore, if a whole society is corrupt or sinful, the individual whose conscience makes him do his penance is sensitive to morality and he has his own personal morality as against the morality of a whole society. In chapter XIV, when Chillingworth tells Hester that the Puritans are planning to ask her not to wear the scarlet letter any longer, she says that it is not for the community to decide when to abate her punishment which is as mental and psychological as it is social. She may still wear the letter ââ¬Å"Aâ⬠, but the meaning of the word has now changed from ââ¬Å"Adulteressâ⬠to ââ¬Å"Ableâ⬠or ââ¬Å"Angelâ⬠. With her patience, courage, and humility, allied to good deeds, Hester proves that she is as good as anybody else. She has been true to her own self-ordained punishment. She is the one who feels her sin both through the scarlet letter and the child Pearl, but she never tortures herself as Dimmesdale does. Hester may be was afraid of the criticism received from her husband as well as from the society and this implies that somewhere or the other she was accepting herself as a sinner in her mind. But then she has a private morality which is not inferior to the social morality of the Puritans. Puritan society of Boston was a theocracy; it was a religious as well as a political organization. Those individuals who defied or contradict the norms of the society were seen as a threat as they might cause anarchy in the society which itself was trying to adjust itself in a new country in which there was danger from the Red Indians, the Spaniards and from the Nature. The crime that Hester has committed is over before the story in The Scarlet Letter begins. In this sense, The Scarlet Letter thus, deals not with the crime and punishment of the sin but with the effect of a particular sin on a group of people, be it a psychological, social or political effect. Externally the punishment of Hester and Dimmesdale is symbolized by the instrument of society- the prison-house, the pillory, the scaffold, the pulpit, the scarlet letter- but internally, that is, psychologically the punishment is a matter of the individual conscience. Hester suffers internally and in order to accept her punishm ent internally and spiritually she refuses to give up on both Pearl and the scarlet letter. This shows her willingness to correct herself by accepting the trivial punishment given by the society. Dimmesdale also suffers with terrible agony in secrecy. His tormented conscience forces him to devise ways and means to play out his punishment in private. He keeps vigil, fasts and whips himself. His habit of covering his heart with his hand signifies his silent confession of him being a sinner. The question of sin and redemption is not a social but a religious question. The tragedy happened with both the characters is not only a legal punishment sanctioned by their Puritan society, but also a punishment much worse than that as their consciences prick them always. They may be the criminals by the standards of the Boston Puritans, but they basically think of themselves as ââ¬Å"sinnersâ⬠, that is, alienated from ââ¬Å"Godâ⬠or ââ¬Å"conscienceâ⬠. Crime and punishment are, therefore only an external cause and effect; while sin and regeneration are internal convictions, a psychological state. The scarlet letter as well as the Pearl, both are the symbols of her sin and these two helped her rather assisted her in achieving redemption, if not in the eyes of the society then at least in the eyes of God. Hester triumphs over her fate with her goodness and resolve. In this sense, she achieves a spiritual victory over her society. Dimmesdale also passes through a sim ilar crisis. He does not suffer publicly as a criminal, but his raw conscience chafes him into constant self-torment through self-laceration and mortification. Conclusion From numerous points of view Dimmesdale endures the most in all angles. His brain is always considering his transgression and its outcomes and it appears that he is never free from the mental impacts of his wrongdoing. He contemplates it relentlessly and even joins his sentiments into his sermons so others can impart (yet unwittingly) in his transgression and inward torment. Like Hester, he is continually battling with his considerations. While it is clear that he is experiencing the impacts of his concealed sin in his psyche, his body additionally starts to hold up under the load also. Aside from the way that he excessively bears a letter of his own toward the end, physically, his body starts to demonstrate the impacts of sin as he develops weaker. His structure developed more anorexic; his voice, however still rich and sweet, had a certain despairing prediction of rot in it; he was frequently seen, on any sight alert or sudden mischance, to put his hand over his heart, with first a flush and afterward a whiteness, characteristic of ache. While this is a physical appearance of his blame and inward turmoil, the way that he develops ever more slender is huge in light of the fact that it is typical of his spirit being tormented also. His spirit is constantly emptied and he thinks of it as degenerate in light of his transgression. Thus he is similar to an empty man; both inside and as far as how he looks. Dissimilar to Hester and Chillingworth, he feels that the greatest issue identified with his wrong doing is the impact on his interminable soul. The way that Dimmesdale passes on toward the end of the story makes it clear that he was enduring significantly more than either Hester or Roger Chillingworth. While Roger bites the dust as well, it is more in light of annihilation instead of the sharp internal torment the clergyman feels. He was being expended, as a main priority, body, and soul by the impacts of sin since he was not able to be similar to Hester and Rog er and acknowledge his wrongdoing for what it was, in spite of the torment it may in some cases cause. Hester and Dimmesdale are disconnected as a result of the first sin, Chillingworth by the yearning for retribution in his heart, and Pearl in light of the fact that her elfin-like nature and her steady antagonism at the town kids who fake at and deride her mother. Every one of them is a social outsider, living in an universe of his or her with the barest correspondence with the outside world. However this detachment is not without its specialist preferences For Hesters situation, her Isolation is her emblem of disgrace. The Scarlet letter removes her from others. In any case it helps her ethical and mental development. She transcends her division from society by great deeds and the camaraderie of hopeless individuals. For Dimmesdales situation, his affectability to his transgression makes him aware of his unworthiness to lead his clock. It prompts private enduring and torment. He feels suffocated in this natures domain, yet is so frail it is not possible attempt to receive in return. Passing is his just deliverance. Chillingworths separation is basically the seclusion of an individual who has been wronged by his wife and his quest for retribution. He has damaged the holiness of the human heart both on account of Hester and Dimmesdale. This prompts his profound seclusion and passing. Individuals see the Devil incarnate in the hunchbacked doctor. Pearl is a free soul, excessively whimsical to be secured to anything. This is her separation. She is a friendless youngster who plays with soulless items or with creatures, streams and blooms a casualty of the transgression of her guardians and, the severity of the Puritan culture. Inevitably she symbolizes just beam of trust and leaves the settlement for greener pastures where she settles down. None of the fundamental characters in The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne have the capacity be totally free from the impacts of sin. While they each one arrangement with the outcomes of sin in diverse courses, none of them ever still appear ready to completely accommodate themselves with their transgression. Hester does in the end proceed onward and Pearl turns into a win yet there is still a shadow over her. Her life would have been totally diverse in the event if she had not decided to stay in a town that had denounced her generally as Chillingworth and Roger may not have passed on if they could have made peace with their transgression and existed in an unexpected way. The issue of sin is at the heart of this novel and through these three principle characters it is conceivable to see what the impacts of sin can be and what the result of living with it may be.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The Early History of Golf in the U.S. Essay -- Golf Sports Athletics E
The game of golf is one of the oldest of todayââ¬â¢s modern sports. Its exact beginnings are not known; however, some historians trace golf back to the Stone Age while others claim it originated from the ââ¬Å"idle antics of shepherd boys knocking small stones into holes in the ground with a crook while their flocks grazed nearbyâ⬠(Peper 1). Researched back to the time of the Roman Empire, it is also believed the sports-oriented Romans played a forerunner of the game of golf called paganica. This sport involved the use of a bent stick and a ball stuffed with wool played in the open countryside. Golf comes to the United Sates The legendary beginnings of golf in the United States can be traced back to the mid-1600s. One of the first published references to golf in America was in 1659 referring to the ban on golf in the streets of Albany, New York. The next substantial reference to the game comes from Charleston, North Carolina in 1786. At that time, a local Charleston newspaper ran a story about the formation of the Harleston Green Golf Club. The Harleston Green remained in operation for approximately twenty-five years, closing about the time of the War of 1812. Around the same time period, approximately1795, another golf club opened in Savannah, Georgia. References to this golf club continued until 1811 again apparently closing just before the beginning of the war. The War of 1812 served to destroy the desire to play golf. It wasnââ¬â¢t until the late 1870s, well after the Civil War ended, that there was a resurgence of golf in the United States. Golf fever springs up throughout the United States Charles Macdonald was an early founder of American golf. He recalled playing golf in the Chicago area as early as 1875. Another promoter of golf, a young man named Andrew Bell from Burlington, Iowa, was initially exposed to golf when he went to Scotland to attend the University of Edinburgh. Upon his return to the United States in 1883, he laid out four informal golf holes on the family farm and played a few rounds with his friends. In 1884 Colonel Hamilton Gillispie, a former Scotsman who went into the lumber business in Florida, was known to hit golf balls in a field that is now the main street of Sarasota (History of Golf 7). Also in 1884, the Oakhurst Golf Club was formed in North Carolina now famous for itââ¬â¢s first hole from the Clubââ¬â¢s Homestead course, celebrated to... ...ip. Today, the USGA membership exceeds 5,500 clubs throughout the United States. Golf, being one of the oldest of todayââ¬â¢s modern sports, thrives in popularity continuing to entice young and old, male and female, rich and poor players. Works Cited Simpson, W.G. ââ¬Å"The Origin of Golf.â⬠A Tribute to Golf. Ed. Thomas Stewart. Harbor Springs, Michigan: Stewart, Hunter, and Associates. 1990. 78. Golf Magazineââ¬â¢s Encyclopedia of Golf. The Editors of Golf Magazine. New York, NY: Harper-Collins 1993. Doyle, Kathleen. ââ¬Å"In John Reidââ¬â¢s Cow Pasture.â⬠Sports in America. Sept. 1988: 34-38. Peper, George. ââ¬Å"The Father of American Golf.â⬠Golf Magazine. Dec. 1995. 118. Peper, George. ââ¬Å"Birth of the USGA.â⬠Golf Magazine. Dec. 1994. 124. Hannigan, Frank. ââ¬Å"The History of the game of Golf.â⬠Golf Digest Magazine. Jan. 2000. 171. Fields, Bill. ââ¬Å"Changing the course of history.â⬠Golf Digest Magazine. Sept. 1999. 17. McCord, Robert, R. Golf: an album of its history. Short Hills, NJ: Burford Books. 1998. Anderson, David. The story of golf. New York: W. Morrow. 1998. Menzies, Gordon. World of golf. New York: Bantam. 1982.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Creating Sympathy for the Johnston Family in Blood Brothers :: Blood Brothers Willy Russell Essays
Creating Sympathy for the Johnston Family in Blood Brothers Blood brother is a tragic tale about two twins who were parted at birth and as a result, led very different lives. The playwright, Willy Russell portrays the circumstances in which the twins were conceived, born and parted and also gives us an insight into how society has the influence of shaping individuals according to the classes they are in. We, the audience are made to sympathize with Mrs. Johnston on many occasions varying from the beginning of the play, even before the twins are born to the end of the play, when we learn about their unfortunate death. In the play Blood Brothers we see the upbringing of two so called blood brothers, Eddie and Mickey who are bought up in two different lifestyles. Mrs. Johnston is the mother of seven children and is already on the way of expecting twins that were to be parted soon after. This is told to us via the narrator, who states, that the mother ââ¬Å"stood and watched brother parted from brotherâ⬠. Willy Russell uses various techniques to create sympathy for the Johnston family. We also need to take into account the language barrier between the two brothers because they have been brought up in two different back grounds and have been taught different principles. Eddie seems to behave in a more socially acceptable manner whilst Mickey is louder. The play starts of by describing Mrs. Johnstonââ¬â¢s life and her marriage. The author quotes ââ¬Å"that I was six weeks overdueâ⬠which makes us the audience feel sorry for her. It also describes the place of marriage which was at the registry office. ââ¬Å"We got married at the registry and had a doâ⬠. This suggests to us the audience that the wedding was nothing too fancy, not too expensive and that the marriage was sudden and unexpectant. She got married because she was expecting a baby, in difficult, circumstances to get married in. we soon learn that Mrs. Johnson is trapped in her life. Soon after the wedding she still wanted to enjoy herself as she did before but her husband became very conscious of her appearance and felt embarrassed to be seen with her. This is evident due to the fact that she gained weight and now perceived herself to be ââ¬Å"twice the size of Marillyn Monroeâ⬠. Russell also uses a lot of ironic devices in the play. Itââ¬â¢s ironic due to the idea that her husband left her ââ¬Å"for a girl, they say who looks a bit like Marillyn Monroeâ⬠. The audience feels sympathetic towards her because she has seven children and low self esteem. Creating Sympathy for the Johnston Family in Blood Brothers :: Blood Brothers Willy Russell Essays Creating Sympathy for the Johnston Family in Blood Brothers Blood brother is a tragic tale about two twins who were parted at birth and as a result, led very different lives. The playwright, Willy Russell portrays the circumstances in which the twins were conceived, born and parted and also gives us an insight into how society has the influence of shaping individuals according to the classes they are in. We, the audience are made to sympathize with Mrs. Johnston on many occasions varying from the beginning of the play, even before the twins are born to the end of the play, when we learn about their unfortunate death. In the play Blood Brothers we see the upbringing of two so called blood brothers, Eddie and Mickey who are bought up in two different lifestyles. Mrs. Johnston is the mother of seven children and is already on the way of expecting twins that were to be parted soon after. This is told to us via the narrator, who states, that the mother ââ¬Å"stood and watched brother parted from brotherâ⬠. Willy Russell uses various techniques to create sympathy for the Johnston family. We also need to take into account the language barrier between the two brothers because they have been brought up in two different back grounds and have been taught different principles. Eddie seems to behave in a more socially acceptable manner whilst Mickey is louder. The play starts of by describing Mrs. Johnstonââ¬â¢s life and her marriage. The author quotes ââ¬Å"that I was six weeks overdueâ⬠which makes us the audience feel sorry for her. It also describes the place of marriage which was at the registry office. ââ¬Å"We got married at the registry and had a doâ⬠. This suggests to us the audience that the wedding was nothing too fancy, not too expensive and that the marriage was sudden and unexpectant. She got married because she was expecting a baby, in difficult, circumstances to get married in. we soon learn that Mrs. Johnson is trapped in her life. Soon after the wedding she still wanted to enjoy herself as she did before but her husband became very conscious of her appearance and felt embarrassed to be seen with her. This is evident due to the fact that she gained weight and now perceived herself to be ââ¬Å"twice the size of Marillyn Monroeâ⬠. Russell also uses a lot of ironic devices in the play. Itââ¬â¢s ironic due to the idea that her husband left her ââ¬Å"for a girl, they say who looks a bit like Marillyn Monroeâ⬠. The audience feels sympathetic towards her because she has seven children and low self esteem.
The Use of Laughter as Medicine in Ken Keseys One Flew Over the Cuckoo
The Use of Laughter as Medicine in Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest For years, it has been said that laughter is the best medicine. In Proverbs 17:22 it says, "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine." Imagine being in a place where medicine takes the place of laughter. This is the environment the patients at an Oregon psychiatric hospital in Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1962) experienced before the arrival of a new patient. Chief Bromden, who is presumably deaf and dumb, narrates the story in third person. Mr. McMurphy enters the ward all smiles and hearty laughter as his own personal medicine. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is a story about patients in a psychiatric hospital, who are under the power of Nurse Ratched. Mrs. Ratched has control over all the patients except for Mr. McMurphy, who uses laughter to fight her power. According to Chief Bromden, McMurphy "...knows you have to laugh at the things that hurt you just to keep yourself in balance, just to keep the world from running you plumb crazy" (212). Laughter is McMurphy's medicine and tool to get him and the rest of the patients through their endless days at the hospital. The author's theme throughout the novel is that laughter is the best medicine, and he shows this through McMurphy's static character. The story is made up of series of conflicts between McMurphy and Nurse Ratched. McMurphy becomes a hero, changing the lives of many of the in mates. In the end, though, he pays for his actions by suffering a lobotomy, which turned him into a vegetable. The story ends when Bromden smothers McMurphy with a pillow and escapes to freedom. McMurphy demonstrates how he uses laughter and jokes to get through his days by trying to get Mr... ... fact that he has just been shocked when he tells Bromden that they are just charging his battery and "when I get out of here the first woman that takes on ol' Red McMurphy the ten-thousand-watt psychopath, she's gonna light up like a pinball machine and pay off in silver dollars [sic]!" (242-243). Here McMurphy uses a perverted mind to help him adjust to the reality that he has just received shock treatment. When a society replaces medicine for laughter, people are going to have problems just as the patients did in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. McMurphy, along with today's society, believes that laughter truly is the best medicine, and one cannot live a normal, sane life without it. Works Cited Kesey, Ken. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (1962). The Viking Press Inc. New York, New York.Gideons International. Tennessee: The National Publishing Company.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Joseph Conradââ¬â¢s The Heart of Darkness Essay
Joseph Conradââ¬â¢s The Heart of Darkness has foreshadowing that adds a lot of suspense throughout the book. Conrad used foreshadowing through minor details that are not clearly stated and are to be interpreted as the book continues. The setting of the bookââ¬âon a small sailing craft on a river as night fallsââ¬âand Marlowââ¬â¢s comparison, by implication, of the dark heart of Africa (the Belgian Congo) and the barbarian darkness on the northern fringes of the Roman Empire, both are examples of irony and foreshadowing. In the beginning Marlow is remembering what it may have been like to be a young Roman conqueror exploring through the jungle. He would have had to deal with ââ¬Å"â⬠¦cold, fog, tempests, disease, exile, and deathâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ Marlow mentions how the soldier would have had a ââ¬Å"fascination of the abominationâ⬠. Later in the book this same fascination overcame Kurtz after his long time in the Congo, ââ¬Å"he hates sometimes the idea of being taken awayâ⬠. Even when Marlow finds Kurtz, he canââ¬â¢t ââ¬Å"break the spell ââ¬â the heavy mute spell of the wilderness ââ¬â that seemed to draw him to its pitiless breast by the awakening of forgotten and brutal instinctsâ⬠When Marlow begins to share his story about an earlier sea voyage, he shares with his fellow mates a story about how one of their captains was killed because of a fight that arose over two black hens. Fresleven, one of the men in the fight, began to beat a native because of his desire for the hen. The nativeââ¬â¢s son broke up the fight and ââ¬Å"made a tentative jab with a spear at the white man ââ¬â and of course it went quite easy between the shoulder bladesâ⬠. Marlow then takes Freslevenââ¬â¢s job as captain of the ship, stepping into his shoes. Later on in the book when Marlowââ¬â¢s ship is under a light attack, his helmsman was speared through the ribs, causing him to die. Blood filled Marlowââ¬â¢s shoes, and he threw them overboard. This is an example of foreshadowing, because Marlow fills Freslevenââ¬â¢s shoes without realizing the full extent of the job. It also an example of irony, because when Fresleven, a nice white man is killed, nobody was shaken, yet when the savage was speared Marlow was full of regret. Another example of irony is that Africa is constantly being described as a dark and gloomy place in the novel, but the Europeans are the ones that actually have the dark hearts. The Africans only get violent because they want to keep their culture alive, and the Europeans are willing to throw that away as long as they earn a profit. The only reason the Europeans wanted to invade Africa was for commercial benefits, and that is dark Another example of foreshadowing is the two women knitting black wool outside the office Marlow visited before he went on his journey. The color black often appears to Marlow when he is headed for trouble.. The women were sitting outside, drawing in unsuspecting youth ready for adventure, yet unaware of the danger ahead. Later in the book when Marlow is following Kurtz into the dark, dangerous forest, he reflects that ââ¬Å"the knitting old women with the cat obtruded herself upon my memory as a most improper person to be sitting at the other end of such an affairâ⬠. Conrad used irony and foreshadowing by describing the different scenes in a very dark tone that when looking back at them after certain events happen in the book show the way that specific narration such ,as the ladyââ¬â¢s knitting black wool, links to the events following it.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
How Americaââ¬â¢s Social Structure Causes Deviance
Although mankindy slew neck that deviancy is app arnt in Ameri target corporation, a few(prenominal) sureize that it is swaning itself that ca pulmonary tuberculosiss deviancy. Our genial anatomical body construction uses numerous insistings among pile in our clubhouse to engage in non- con socio-economic classing and aberrant appearance to gain the American dream. American golf-club does this by emphasizing verit sufficient light uponr finishs, and non emphasizing the correct authority to pass on these coatings. In addition, deviancy is rein hale in numerous elements of American kind body structure through cultur totallyy exposelined finales, institutionalise instrument, societal re pieceions, and various forms of sanctions.Further, American bon ton has a bullocky idiom on thickes and an unreasonable adopt for supremacy. Therefore, Americans ar lead to forms of innovation, deviancy, and live in a state of anomie. First, we essential examine the definitions of deflexion and norms. Henry defines aberration as a psyche who goes against the standards, lookations, and norms of their connection (lecture). Further, deviancy is estimation of as a private attri fur at that place or behavior that expirys in companionable dis wish well from others, or behavior that breaks the rules and norms for that auberge(Social deflexion 5).Norms ar rules of conduct, and each norm is a bidding of desired or undesirable behavior. Examples of desirable and undesirable states of beingness atomic number 18 messages like dont be excessively fat and dont be too thin (Social Deviance 5). In addition, norms argon the sh ard expectations and evaluations of behavior or being that the studyity of monastic orders members agree upon. Meier states that expectations refer to how hatful pull up stakes act or be, and evaluations argon how people should act or be (Social Deviance 5). These expectations and evaluations further reinforce the standards and expectations of our friendship. nigh sociologists previously believed that deviance was cause by biology. Sociologists erstwhile believed that deviant people were born incompetent, and that heredity, genes, and a persons body chemistry were all greenness denominators in deviant people. Merton contradicts this supposition by noning that With the to a greater extent(prenominal) recent advancement of genial science, this set of conceptions has underg peerless canonic modification. For champion thing, it no longer appears so obvious that man is set against cab atomic number 18t in an endless war between biological notion and tender restraint.For another, sociological perspectives gravel more and more entered into the analysis of behavior deviating from prescribed patterns of conduct. For whatsoever role the biological impulses, there windlessness remains the further question of wherefore it is that the frequency of deviant behavior varies indoors opposite tender structure and how it happens that the deviations run through divers(prenominal) shapes and pattern in different social structures. (230) Now sociologists, much(prenominal) as Robert K. Merton, become new-fashi oned insight into the guess that deviancy is caused by the troupe in which we live, not biology or body chemistry.This surmisal of deviance is to a fault backed up by the belief that American society leads an various(prenominal) to wish the American dream, but does not afford them with the means to achieve them (Fanning). As members of a society preoccupy with television and media, we hold back atmospheric pressures that reinforce the day-by-day belief that material possessions and wealth are extremely substantial in American society. Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that if we can sub situation certain groups subject to the pressures of achieving the American dream, we should expect to consider eminent rates of deviancy in its membe rs.In addition, some social classes do not arrive equal fortune to achieve goals. Due to discrimination, members of lower classes, and certain racial and ethnic minorities, all corroborate from impede opportunities. The stress and strain that results from blocked opportunities causes the individual to question the legitimacy of conventional and send means (Fanning). In effect, these members of society begin to think of other, often illegal, ship canal to succeed.Furthermore, when this occurs, respect for the traditionally accepted means of achieving goals crumble, norms weaken, and society is no longer able to make up ones mind the methods its members use to obtain victory. Therefore, heights crime among lower classes can be attributed to the stresses caused by American society. If a person is born into a poor family, they ability be forced to work period tone ending to high school, and may not be able to focus on school work, like other classmates. Therefore, collec di sconcert to life chances, they might not have the opportunity to go to college due to bad targets or unaffordability.While constantly attempt to make ends meet, they decide to commit a crime to be able to have material possessions, since they believe that they will neer be able to save up to buy anything through traditional work. This new social theory states that deviancy is people alone responding normally to the social situation in which they are in. Furthermore, Merton states that some social structures exert definite pressures upon certain persons in the society to engage in nonconforming, rather than conforming conduct (230). In addition, deviance varies shade to finis.What we consider to be deviant is different than what other societies consider deviant. Deviant definitions also change rapidly. American society used to think that women who wore short skirts, or consume cigarettes were deviant. Now, the same acts are not considered to chill out be deviant. In addition, Merton notes that some social structures exert a definite pressure upon certain persons in society (230). American society is a perfect object lesson of a society that exerts unreasonable pressures, and thence leads some of its members to deviant behavior.This social theory is proven further by Mertons theory of social structure. In American society, Merton believes that there are two elements of social structure heathenly defined goals, and send means. Culturally defined goals are coordinated into society, involving various degrees of evaluate and significance. Culturally defined goals are what society thinks its members should strive for, such(prenominal) as financial success. Institutionalized means are the regulations and norms that are the acceptable vogue of achieving the culturally defined goal (234).An role model of a culturally defined goal is a right-hand(a) education, and a good job. Our society gives a strong social reaction to those who deviate its norms. So cietal reactions hatch the ship charge in which society responds to the individuals, their acts, or suspected deviance. Forms of societal reactions are sanctions and clod sanctions. Sanctions are penalisations usually designed to manage suspect or actual deviance (Social Deviance 5). Formal sanctions are the punishments administered by the state or other form of legal authority. Examples of dress sanction are fines or imprisonment.Most often these semi dress sanctions have a proscribe scar attached to them. Furthermore, sanctions are the ultimate standard rod for identifying deviancy and deviant acts. An example would be a person given the formal sanction of a prison doom being labeled a ex-con. light sanctions are sanctions from less official sources, such as family, catchs and friends. Examples of informal sanctions are ridicule, peer disapproval, and criticism (Social Deviance 5). The next range to discuss is the common types of deviance that result from the pressure s that American society puts on its members.Merton speculates that members of American society are sometimes forced to innovate to reach the goals society prescribes for them. First, goals are internalized and thought of as important, such as wanting a nice car, currency, and a plaza. These people conform to the expectations society gives them, and indeed try to achieve the goals. The person who wants a car to be accepted in society, so they conform by going to college to get a good job, to be able to buy the car. The problem occurs when members want these things, but may not have access to them.Thus, this leads persons to have to innovate to achieve these goals (Merton 233). An innovator may be a person who is unable or slow to go to college to get a graven image job, so they rob a blaspheme to be able to buy the home and car, and therefore can fit in to societies material demands. Deviancy is also caused by the numerous contradictions and variations American society has on what avenues are thought of as acceptable ways of achieving the goals. In addition, our society also has legion(predicate) double standards about what is seen as acceptable. near cheat the system, but may be thought of as being crafty, or smart.On the other hand, some evenly dishonest acts have punishments, and are looked eat up upon by members of our society. An example of this is when a credit line owner price fixes. even off thought the trading owner is being exploitative, he is thought of as a business genius, and intelligent. passel who cheat on their taxes, or get paid under the table are dishonest and using chastely wrong ways of attaining gold. However, these lawbreakers are not criticized, looked win upon, or thought of as criminals. An example of this double standard is when we find an illegal act with the absence of social disapproval.Without social disapproval, an illegal act is not considered to be truly deviant (Fanning). An everyday occurrence of this discr epancy is when someone is caught speeding. The act of speeding is illegal and punished with formal sanctions, such as fines, tickets, or manifest suspension, but is accepted in our society. We have police officers that are paid to regulate the highways, but no negative stain attached to the act of speeding, or the punishment given by legal authority. The demand for success in American society is overwhelming. Success has become constructed as pleasant the game rather than winning under the rules of the game.Through the same process, tension generated by the desire to win in a poker game is relieved by a successful dealing ones self four aces, or when shuffling the cards in a game of solitaire. Merton states that cultural (or idiosyncratic) exaggeration of the success goals leads men to withdraw mad realise from the rules (232-233). On the other hand, a person who robs a bank to attain notes is labeled a criminal, and given punishments. People who mug, rob, and burglarize are f eared and hated in our society, but cheaters, plagiarizers, and perjurers are not.These double standards reach confusion, and lead members of our society to feel as if they are without guidance or take in morals. The next argument proving how American society causes deviance is due to American society putting too much ferocity on goals, and not enough value attached the correct means to achieve these goals. Merton states that American culture continues to be characterized by a heavy emphasis on wealth as a basic symbol of success, without a corresponding emphasis upon the legitimate avenues on which to march toward this goal (Social Structure 235).Due to this miss of pinch guidance, strong social pressure to achieve, and piteous ways to achieve the pressures society inflicts causes members to be deviant to attain acceptable status in our society. Merton further emphasizes that Of the types of societies that result from self-sufficing variations of cultural goals and institu tionalized means, we shall primarily be concerned with the prototypical a society in which there is an exceptionally strong emphasis upon specific goals without corresponding emphasis upon institutional procedures.No society lacks norms giving medication conduct. But societies do differ in the degree in which the folkways, mores, and institutional controls are effectively integrated with the goals which stand high in the hierarchy if cultural value. The culture may be such as to lead individuals to center their emotional convictions upon the coordination compound of culturally acclaimed ends, with far less emotional support for the prescribed methods of reaching out to these ends. As this process continues, the society becomes unsound and there develops what Durkheim called anomie, or normlessness.Anomie is caused by a society without clear norms, such as American society. Being without institutionalized structure, expectations, and regulations, leads people to become disorienta ted. Capitalist societies, such as America, are perfect examples of unoriented societies. Through ruthless competition and lack of morals and determine, capitalists strive for bills. Therefore, our social order becomes upset and people lose their way in pursuit of wealth without real regulation. In addition, money in our society is thought of as more important than honesty, morals, family, and happiness.As Merton states in some cock-a-hoop measure, money has been consecrated as a value in itself, over and to a higher place its expenditure for articles of consumption and or its use for enhancement of power. Money is a inquisitively well adapted to become a symbol of prestige (233). Money can buy class, power and status, all of which are highly regarded in American society. Simmel emphasizes that money is highly abstract and impersonal. However acquired, fraudulently or institutionally, money can be used to purchase the same goods and go (Illuminating Social Life 84).Therefore, it doesnt truly matter how one gets money it clean matters that one has money. The next argument as to why American society leads its members to be deviant is because our society puts a wicked emphasis on wealth and success. Merton states that the unify States has three cultural dictums. The first axiom is that everyone should strive for the American dream, which are wealth, success and independence. The second axiom states that present misery is only a slight blast third, the only real failure is personal failure, and the withdrawal of ambition (235).This social structure puts tremendous measurings of pressure on all individuals in American society. Our society looks eat up upon members who do not have wealth or success. Furthermore, there is a negative attitude towards people who do not wish to achieve the American Dream. Some members of our society are satisfied with what they have, and do not strive for raises, promotions, or anything commodiouser. These people are t hought of as lazy, absentminded ambition and work ethic, and put down in our society for simply being content with what they have.In conclusion, many an(prenominal) people think that money will decide all of their problems, and give them happiness. On the contrary, many wealthy people are miserable, and their money has created numerous problems for them. Merton notes that when he was an observer of a community in which the common annual was in the six figures. He witnessed one victim of the American Dream positing, in this town, Im snubbed socially because I only get a atomic number 19 a week. That hurts (233). Competition among neighbors, community, co-workers, and club members is overwhelming.Even after achieving monetary success, it seems as is there is no stopping point to the amount of money some strive for. Merton states that in the American Dream there is no final stopping point. The measure of monetary success is conveniently indefinite and congener (232). No matter how much money one has, it is never enough. No one can be too rich in America. Durkheim states that to pursue a goal that is unattainable is to condemn ones self to a state of perpetual unhappiness. Our passions must first be limited by a moral force (Suicide 229).Since we put pressure on ourselves to reach unattainable goals, we are therefore always dissatisfied with our lives. These social pressures that are reinforced in close to every aspect of American society can further explain deviance. Merton states that To say that the goal of monetary success is fasten in American culture is to say that Americans are bombarded on every side by precepts which affirm the right or, often, the trade of retaining the goal even in the position of repeated frustration.Prestigeful representatives of the society reinforce the cultural emphasis. The family, the school, and the workplace- the major agencies shaping the personality structure and goal formation of America- join to put forward th e intensive discipline required if an individual is to retain intact a goal that remains elusively beyond reach. (233) One of the major agencies that shape young Americans morals and values is our education system. Our education system places great emphasis on grades, test scores, and grade point averages.It seems that achieving these things is more important than unfeignedly learning and retaining information. Therefore, this leads to cheating on tests, bribing professors, and neutering transcripts, and all of which are forms of dishonesty and deviance. Durkheim believes that once our society brings back morals and values we will begin to establish more acceptable and reinforced ways of achieving goals (Anomie 79). We must set achievable goals for ourselves and put more emphasis on attaining happiness, not monetary success.
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