Saturday, August 22, 2020
Art and Gender Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Workmanship and Gender - Essay Example Ladies have become the foundation to social development and one such building was Gertrude Bass Warner (1863-1951). Warners works have been viewed as developmental and spearheading in the field of Asian investigations. What has pulled in this creators thoughtfulness regarding Warners work was her significant contribution on the females perspective on the world. In the accompanying areas, the creator will examine one of her photographs, and specify on this view. Houseboat Illinois (see underneath) is one of Warners photographic works which the creator has found among the Gertrude Bass Warner Lantern Slides, first endowment assortment at the University of Oregon Museum of Natural and Cultural History (known as the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art). Warner had committed the assortment in memory of her late spouse Murray Warner. Houseboat Illinois, as a large portion of Warners photographic work, is a masterpiece; a hand colored photograph taken during one of her journeys. The picture portrays of Gertrude and Murray Warner sitting on their houseboat named Illinois with an Asian guide sitting at the bow of the pontoon. Both Gertrude and Murray are perched on wicker seats with a wooden table in the center. On the table there is a cup, a smoking funnel and a note pad. Gertrude is wearing a long sleeved shirt and skirt with a cap secured with a pink scarf while her significant other is wearing a stripe jeans and coat, and wearing an earthy colored cap. The Asian guide, wearing jeans, long sleeved shirt, coat and top, is exploring the pontoon. At the beginning the foundation contains blue waterway water, dim green trees, and some type of yellow and green vegetation that look like a homestead. Warners work is a portrayal of women's activist perspective on the world. A women's activist view, as indicated by Perry (8) studies, uncovered and challenges womens social, political and social positions and burdens. But more significantly, a women's activist methodology is one which is
Annie Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Annie - Movie Review Example This examination will start with the outline of melodic Annie. The plot of the melodic is a basic one, involving two acts. We are acquainted with the primary demonstration where a little youngster called Annie is in the organization of her mates Molly, Kate, Pepper, Tessie, July and Duffy at a girlsââ¬â¢ halfway house. Molly has an awful bad dream yet Annie solaces her when she awakens. As of now, Annie is wanting to escape from the halfway house. At the point when she endeavors to do this, she isn't fruitful as she is halted by the chief of the halfway house, Miss Hannigan. In any case, she would later get away from when the clothing man came at the halfway house. At the point when the clothing man, Mr. Groups goes to the halfway house, he occupies Miss Hannigan. As they talk, different young ladies conceal youthful Annie in the covers. Her opportunity keeps going a brief timeframe as she is gotten by a police officer and id bluntly came back to the halfway house. Later in the sc ene, Grace Farrell, a tycoon, visits the halfway house and demands to take one vagrant home to her chateau. She picked Annie as she was in Miss Hannigan's office at the hour of her visit. She finds another home and the new family grasps her. In the subsequent scene, we are informed all the more regarding Annie and her journey to get her folks. Warbucks is prepared to pay a robust total to a couple that approaches as Annieââ¬â¢s guardians. At the point when Miss Hannigan knows about this, she intends to have a pie of the cash. A couple with the names Rooster and Lily approach professing to be the guardians. They consent to give Miss Hannigan an aggregate of the cash. In any case, this doesn't prevail as they are captured.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Physical Health in Doha Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Physical Health in Doha - Essay Example The quickly expanding stoutness rates would incline individuals to creating ailments, for example, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular ailments among other weight related ailments. Research discoveries likewise showed that the two youngsters and grown-ups aimlessly created type II diabetes because of stoutness; whereby, 15.4% of grown-ups and 28.8 % of kids underneath 5 years old were diabetic. The high stoutness and diabetic insights is inferable from an assortment of elements that are talked about in detail underneath (Bell 1). Qatarââ¬â¢s inhabitantsââ¬â¢ restricting conventions, poor dietary patterns and the advantaged way of life drove by numerous Qatari locals assume a critical job in adding to the ascent in stoutness inside the area. Qatarââ¬â¢s per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the second most noteworthy on the planet, and is owing to its third biggest flammable gas saves all inclusive. Of the 1.6 million Qatari occupants, 250, 000 are locals conceived inside the special class enthusiastic about after and keeping their conventions regardless of the different social impacts in presence made by the numerous non-local occupants. Larger part of this special class lives in the capital city of Doha where current accommodations are not hard to come by (Slackman 1). From an exceptionally youthful age, the influence of youngsters happens through the procedure of socialization; whereby, little youngsters learn through demonstrating and molding alluring perspectives and practices. Among the thi ngs learnt incorporate; dietary patterns, food inclinations and perspectives towards working out. Qatari youngsters face no limitations with regards to their dietary; whereby, their folks, family members and companions employ them with both home cooked nourishments ( rice, sheep and explained margarine being a significant delicacy) and quick nourishments, for example, cheeseburgers and French fries for the duration of the day. It is likewise difficult to control
The Ethics of Academic Freedom free essay sample
Really hazardous on the off chance that it isn't regarded and maneuvered carefully. Furthermore, no place is that generally clear, than on the grounds and in the homerooms of this countries organizations Of advanced education. Indeed, even on the most lenient of grounds, there exist people who are obstinate, one-sided, and critical of others points of view. That will be normal. In any case, what happens when the teachers and instructors (or the individuals who have placed themselves in the job as instructor) have underestimated their opportunities and base everything that they state has merit given their First Amendment right? Scholarly FreedomAcademic Freedom exists. .All together that society will have the advantage of legit judgment and autonomous analysis which may (something else) be retained on account of dread of culpable a predominant social gathering or transient social demeanor (Kumara, 1993). Its a guideline to help ensure that educators and understudies the same have a voice nearby. We will compose a custom exposition test on The Ethics of Academic Freedom or then again any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The American Association of University Professors is a national association submitted exclusively to school and college employees. It shields scholarly opportunity and residency, advocates collegial administration, and creates arrangements guaranteeing fair treatment (Sledded,2004).They have been amazingly vocal in the confirmation of scholastic opportunity in academe. One current segment on scholastic opportunity peruses as follows: Freedom of suspected and articulation is fundamental to any establishment of higher learning. Colleges and universities exist not exclusively to transmit information. Similarly, they decipher, investigate, and extend that information by testing the old and proposing the new. This crucial learning outside the homeroom very as much as in class, and frequently moves fiery discussion on those social, monetary, and policy driven issues that excite the most grounded interests. All the while, perspectives will be communicated that may appear to some off-base, disagreeable, or hostile. Such is the idea of opportunity to filter and winnow thoughts. On a grounds that is free and open, no thought can be restricted or taboo. No perspective or message might be esteemed so contemptuous or upsetting that it may not be communicated. Paps Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure, June 1992. Scholarly opportunity isn't proportionate to similar opportunities guaranteed us by the First Amendment. If one somehow happened to expect that, at that point any educator could go into a study hall and uphold their own convictions as law (which, Daly enough, a few teachers do). By having scholastic opportunity, it ought not pardon anybody from being considered answerable for what the individual in question may state. Taken from the 1940 explanation of scholarly opportunity, Point B peruses as: Teachers are qualified for opportunity in the study hall in talking about their subject, however they ought to be mindful so as not to bring into their training questionable issue which has no connection to their subject. Constraints of scholarly opportunity on account of strict or different points of the organization ought to be unmistakably expressed recorded as a hard copy at the hour of the arrangement. AUP, 1940However, US guidelines had this meaning of scholarly opportunity: The capacity of the college is to look to transmit information and to prepare understudies in the process whereby truth is to be mane known. To change over, or to make changes over, is outsider and threatening to this impartial obligation. Where it gets essential, in playing out this capacit y Of a college, to think about political, social, or partisan developments, they are to be analyzed and inspected, not instructed, and the end left, with no tipping of the scales, to the rationale and the realities. College of California University Regulations (Revised No. 5), 1 934This appeared to be an exceptionally solid establishment where to run a foundation of higher learning. All things considered, these guidelines for the US System had been essentially since 1934. Be that as it may, in the repercussions of September 1 strip, numerous educators started to instruct by method of influencing as opposed to teaching. Indeed, even US Berkeley president needed to change the principles of scholastic opportunity to mirror the cutting edge college and its workforce (Atkinson, R. , 2003). Be that as it may, for what reason would it be advisable for us to now change the principles to suit or conduct? Scholastic Bill of Rights Conservative creator, David Horopito accepts that with another Academic Bill ofRights, we can get the liberal reasoning schools and colleges in the groove again with what the scholarly opportunity rules layout. He accepts that there have been an excessive number of examples of liberal teachers attempting to inculcate political standard s and convictions on understudies, and that if an understudy can't help contradicting the educators conviction, the person will be punished by probably getting a bombing grade. Horopito gives for instance the instance of a Leistering of Northern Colorado understudy who had gotten a bombing grade on a paper that allegedly wouldn't address the subject of Why President Bush is a war rimming? (SAP, 2003). This new Bill of Rights peruses essentially enough and it sounds reasonable for all gatherings included. For instance; All personnel will be employed, terminated, advanced and conceded residency based on their skill and proper information in the field Of their ability NO workforce will be recruited or terminated or denied advancement or residency based on their political or strict convictions; additionally, Students will be evaluated exclusively based on their contemplated answers and suitable information not based on their political or strict convictions (SARA, 2003).But even with this sort of wording, as politically right as it might appear, there is, obviously, a concealed plan encompassing Horopito draft (at any rate, as per a few). Right-Winged Conservati ves According to Horopito, his bill has some overwhelming supporters; The American Council on Education; the National Coalition Against Censorship; the Association for Extrajudicial Affairs; the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education; and different school and college teachers and educators.Along with Horopito, these gatherings accept that by having the scholastic bill of rights, school grounds will turn out to be all the more mentally assorted (Jacobson, 005). Horopito has willingly volunteered to make this bill to permit the more moderate understudies a voice when working with their (appear ingle) progressively liberal teachers perspectives. It is to give an instructive situation where understudies feel good communicating their conclusions liberated from the concern of separation dependent on political convictions (Winters, 2005).Part of the bill peruses as follows: Faculty and teachers will be allowed to seek after and talk about their own discoveries and points of view in introducing their perspectives, yet they will make their understudies mindful of genuine insightful perspectives other than their own through study hall conversation or spread of composed materials, and they will empower scholarly genuineness, common discussion and the basic examination of thoughts in the quest for information and truth (Horopito, 2003). Radical Liberals Other gatherings arent as tolerating of this new bill being executed all through school campuses.Some of these substantial hitters incorporate; the American Federation of Teachers; The C An Academic Association of University Professors; the National JAPE; the Council on American-Islam ic Relations (CAR); and different school and college educators and instructors. These gatherings see the Academic Bill of Rights not to furnish understudies with rights, yet to found State observing of colleges, to force explicit perspectives on educators 0 by and large, perspectives that have been mentally ruined and at last to quiet disagreeing voices by rebuffing colleges that ensure them (Misaims, 2005).They feel that by permitting the charge, it would put awkward limitations on what can and can't be instructed in the study hall (Winters, 2005). At a senate meeting in Ohio, CARR charges: The bill powers the leading group of stirs, of both open and tuition based schools, to receive arrangements about what can and can't be educated (CARR, 2005). They consider the bill an Academic bill of Restrictions. Indeed, even the AUP has said that the bill is an encroachment of the free discourse privileges of educators (Horopito, 2005).The Middle of the Road Having perused so much material identifying with scholarly opportunity, the scholastic bill of rights, and even political rightness, find that I am currently somewhat more skeptical than I was before started examining this point. One issue I have with the advantages and disadvantages of this specific subject is that can comprehend what OTOH sides are contending. What's more, if concur with any one side, I will be marked a liberal or a conservative.Its exceptionally intriguing to me, somebody who constantly viewed herself as a liberal; take such an obscure, cloudy, foggy perspective on what (by all accounts) appears to be truly straightforward. Since I can concur with a portion of the things that Horopito is maintaining shouldnt make me any more a traditionalist than Jesse Jackson; and in light of the fact that can unquestionably get behind the dissidents in their battle to keep Big sibling out of the homeroom doesnt make me a tree-embracing radical, either. Maybe Gill Troy had the best thought when he wrote to keep the homeroom as political as could be expected under the circumstances, in his article on scholastic opportunity he composed: You need not be a pajama-wearing fire-breathing, Bush-adoring flogger to fight the chilling impacts of radical politickings tormenting scholarly opportunity, alongside government overabundances and traditionalist showmanship (Troy, 2005).He accepts that as educators; We bomb when understudies see us as opinionated, we contort when we just draw in one side of an issue, we distort when we lessen everything to a political condition, we cheat when we just recruit scholarly clones, we double-cross ourselves when we become a close acquaintence with just the individuals who concur with us. (Troy, 2005). Doreen Kumara not just needs her understudies to differ with her, yet in addition needs to agitate them. I have instructed ATA college for more than 25 years, and
Saturday, July 4, 2020
Human Resource Management Work And Learning In Canada - 2200 Words
Human Resource Management: Work And Learning In Canada (Coursework Sample) Content: Human Resource ManagementStudents NameStudent IDProfessors NameDate of SubmissionPrompt 1.Explain why work and learning in Canada and the economic south could benefit from taking democratic practices into account.Canada is one of the countries in the world that is attractive for both people who are willing to learn and work in the country. Additionally, it has continued to develop economically over the past. Democratic practices are required in work and learning of employees in the workplace. Most workers in these countries work in environments that are unsafe for them and their health. Further, there is child abuse in these countries where children are forced to work beyond what they are required to by-laws in the developing countries. Employees are mistreated and also work for long hard and applying hard labor. These situations and other call for democratic practices in countries that are known to engage in the mistreatment of workers. The aim of this paper is to discuss reasons as to why work and learning in Canada and the economic south could profit from taking democratic practices into account.Democratic practices such as allowing employees to join and form labor unions could help employees in these nations to collectively bargain and therefore have their demands met by their employers. Democratic practices would assist employees in having a say regarding the hours that they work and how they spend it in their workplaces (Spencer Kelly, 2013).Democratic practices could help these employees enjoy their time and efforts since they will be working moderately and they will also be appreciated for their work. The workers will not be alienated from their work and therefore they will be able to be linked with the outcome of their work. The other benefit regarding work is that workers will get their compensation in a manner that is fair and just such that they can be in a position to develop themselves further.The employees from Canada and in th e economic south would also benefit from democratic practices as they would now be treated in the same way their colleagues in the United States are treated which is a good way since all of the labor laws would be followed to the latter.Democratic practices would help workers in regards to the area of learning. The HRM department has been known to be in the business of helping organization at the expense of the labor force. These departments tend to emphasize more on employee output and therefore ignore on employee welfare. Democratic practices will help the department appreciate the efforts of employees and therefore pay for the gain that the companies receive due to high efforts by its employees. The employees will be entitled to various benefits such as studying reimbursements, leaves, and other benefits (Oke, 2016).Democratic practices should involve steps by governments to put a barn on products that comes from countries that are known to be subjecting their workers on intoler able work environments. This situation would assist the countries having such behaviors to find alternative ways that would be accepted globally. These democratic practices would, therefore, ensure that workers in sweatshops are no longer subjected to harsh treatment for cheap products that flock the international markets.Work and learning in Canada and the economic south could benefit from taking democratic practices into account. Learning organizations would be advantaged to be in a position to gain new knowledge, ideas, and tactics that would help propel the company forward. These organizations would be in a position to learn how democratic countries operate and therefore seek to implement the practices in their organizations (Spencer et. al., 2013).Workplace democracy is required for Canada and the economic south to be in a position to create working conditions that will be human to workers. These countries need to recognize the importance of unionization as a key element of ind ustrial democracy. Unions help to give employees power since they are capable of expressing their concerns freely. When employees are not in unions, it becomes difficult for them to raise their concerns since when they try to do that there is a possibility of the employer taking personal steps by firing the employees which become an unfair thing for them to do. It is, therefore, vital for these countries to embrace democratic practices since they will attract many multinational companies in these regions since they will have a good picture on how they treat their employees (Boxall, 2008).When these countries accept to adopt democratic practices, then many employees will be attracted to go to such location seeking for better employment. The countries will be in a position to have plenty of workers who will assist these companies to produce goods that will help these companies perform better than before.In regards to learning, employees will be in a position to pursue their careers wh ile still working and this will help increase their knowledge and skills and this will assist them to go high regarding ranks. Workers have a right to be treated as citizens in their workplace as opposed to taking them as being resources of the company. This situation helps employees to feel like an important asset that cannot be replaced in an organization. Sweat-labor factory workers are not given the opportunity to develop themselves, and they are also denied the ability to express their opinions and concerns since the owners or the management have all the control over its employees.Work and learning would benefit in case Canada, and the economic south takes democratic practices into account. The multinational organizations that are moving to these countries in search of a bigger market tend to engage in actions that take advantage of the locals by giving them wages that are below what an average worker is paid in the United States. There are needs for these countries to adopt t he democratic practices since they would assist in combating many problems that are associated with workers (Hendry, 2012).Democratic practices would help in ensuring that all workers are treated with equality. It would also enhance accountability on the part of employers since they would need to be responsible for their actions. The laws would be created that protect people including employees, and in case they fail to comply then, they would be punished in agreement with these laws. Work and learning would, therefore, be respected and developed such that it would grow tremendously for the betterment of Canada and the economic cost countries. Canada and the economic cost countries would be in a position to grow economically as with democracy in work and learning employees would be free to live their lives as they want and therefore engage in economic activities that build the nation.In conclusion, there are various reasons as to why Canada and the economic nation needs to adopt de mocratic practices. These democratic practices would assist the employees to be free from exploitation and slavery. They would be free to express their opinions and concerns. These employees would also be in a position to form unions, and this would be a critical step in ensuring that democracy in work and learning is enhanced.Prompt 2.Community and worker-owned co-operatives provide the best hope for worker empowerment and democratic practices.Community and worker-owned co-operatives have been known to offer hope especially for the workers empowerment and democratic practices. The worker-owned cooperatives are the enterprises that are governed and owned by their employees. The member-owners of the businesses invest in them and own them together as wells as sharing the profits that are derived from the proceedings. Similarly, the decisions that are made by the firm are made in a democratic manner whereby each member has one vote. These co-operatives are crucial in the creation of th e wealth for the community.The co-operatives create the community wealth through various ways. For instance, the jobs that are created by these co-operatives are of high quality, and they tend to empower the members of that particular community. The other benefit that is derived from these co-operatives is the application of the sustainable practices that are healthy for the community. The main reason for the implementation of the practices that work for the betterment of the community is because most of the workers are community residents. Therefore, they make sure that they do not hurt the local environment as well as ensuring that the profits circulate within the community.These co-operatives are run democratically, and they provide help for the existing member-owners to develop important skills such as decision-making and leadership skills and especially in practicing directly. The employees are allowed by these firms to build assets and accumulate wealth through the ownership s take they have at the co-operatives. The creation of these co-operatives empowers the community because they ensure that the living standards have been uplifted. Further, they work towards ensuring that the community has continued to growth together. The members also develop that ability to develop skills that are helpful in the society such as leadership and sound decision-making (Spencer, 2013).Worker-owned co-operatives have revealed empowerment of the worker in various states. For instance, Nanaimos Harmac mill has become a huge success after it was acquired by the workers. According to Harbottle (2013), mill workers raised cash raised cash that enabled them to rescue a Nanaimo pulp mill which had closed down after fifty years of operation. The purchase of th...
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Demand and Supply in Canada Essay - 275 Words
Demand and Supply in Canada (Essay Sample) Content: Demand and Supply in the Canadian EconomyAuthor(s)InstitutionAuthor NoteProgramIntroductionMarkets comprise of buyers and sellers of particular goods and services. The behavior of consumers is dependent on demand curves. Demand for goods and services is as a result of buyer behavior. Sellers, on the other hand, determine the supply of goods and services. As such, supply curves are a reflection of sellersà ¢Ã¢â ¬ behaviors. In economic theory, the consumer prices would be a reflection of the real cost of goods and services in fully competitive market. The competitive market, in this case, represents a market with many buyers and sellers such that there is negligible impact on the market price from each of them. The theory holds that in such a scenario, the choices made by customers would endeavor to minimize wastage, shortages and surpluses. At the same time, this would allow for the optimal use of resources to satisfy market needs.DemandThe quantity of goods or lev els of services that any consumer would wish to pay for is dependent on a number of factors. They include; preference, income, age, substitutes, etc. The price of the particular commodity is also in itself a factor. The law of demand holds that customers will purchase a larger quantity of a product for low-priced commodities. The law, however, only holds when all other factors, such as income, remain the same. The assumption is quite important in economic studies.Despite several factors having an influence on consumer purchasing behaviors, a demand curve only lays emphasis on the change in price per unit of a product with all other factors remaining constant. For instance, the demand curve may show the changes in prices per unit of a product, but the consumersà ¢Ã¢â ¬ income remains invariant. Such is a shortcoming of demand curve. In a standard setting, the income certainly determines the quantity of goods purchased by consumers. For normal goods, an increase in income translat es to increased consumption of goods and services. For inferior goods and services, the consumption decreases with an increase in income. A good example of such a scenario is the case of public transport.The price of related commodities also constitutes another factor that affects demand for goods and services. The related goods constitute of complements and substitutes. Complementary goods are those that are consumable together while substitute goods are those in which one is usable in place of another. The demand for complementary goods increases and decreases simultaneously. For instance, for two supplementary goods, hiking the price of one commodity results in a reduction in demand for the other. The vice versa is also true. In Canada, the energy industry serves as a classic example.Reference case: End-Use Energy Demand by SectorThe demand for energy increases at a first rate in with low prices. The average annual rate has a projected value of 1.2% over the projection period. In the event of high prices, demand decreases to an estimated value of 0.8% annually. Agreeably, there is a downward pressure for growth of demand in the energy sector exerted by the high prices. The effect of the prices on demand, however, is offset by substitute sectors such as oil and gas sectors. For low prices, the demand is low whereas it is higher for high prices.SupplyJust like the demand, supply also plays an important part in the commodity market analysis. With supply, the characteristics demonstrate the behavior of sellers in the production and sales of their products. The quantity supplied represents the amount of a particular commodity that sellers are willing to sell in the market. Understanding supply factors is, therefore, equally important in forecasting future supply expectations including the way in which they affect the market price.The law of supply holds that an increase in the selling price will motivate sellers to increase the quantity of the particular product in the market. That, in itself, is a clear indicator of the positive relationship between supply and price. In addition to the price, several other factors affect the market supply. Some of them include; the number of other sellers supplying the same product in the market, price of inputs, technology, price of substitute commodities, and the weather. The argument in the law of supply is that an increase in commodity prices translates to greater profits that expand production. The increased production, as a result, satisfies the current demand for particular commodities or services. In the end, additional production calls for new demand. When the prices fall, there is the indication that there is a surplus in the market. Production slows down for demand to go up, and the cycle continues over and over.When the demand for a particular service or product is high, and the supply is low, this leads to a shortage. A perfect example of such a scenario is the Canadian healthcare demand. In a previous analysis of the labor market conditions, the projections revealed a labor shortage in healthcare occupations expected to continue from 2013 to 2022. Increasing healthcare needs due to the aging Canadian population is bound to increase the demand for several healthcare services including healthcare professionals. The estimation is also that job openings due to retirements will supersede those from new creations. As such, high labor demand in healthcare occupations will exceed the expected supply. The main reason is that the expected number of school leavers who form the majority job seekers, will not adequately satisfy the demand and supply for the projected period thus creating the shortage. The situation will, however, be different depending on specialty.EquilibriumEconomically, when the quantity supplied falls below the quantity demanded, this creates an excess demand. On the other hand, when quantity supplied is above the quantity demanded, this creates an excess suppl y. Most firms in the market would want to manufacture commodities that satisfy the market demand without either surpluses or shortages. Such a scenario gets rid of excess costs related to inventory maintenance, keeping in mind that some of the commodities may never sell. Prices hike when there is excess demand, and they drop when there is excess supply. Equilibrium, therefore, results from the cancelation of the dynamic forces that change the price and quantity. At equilibrium, the quantity demanded, and the quantity supplied are equal. The price of a commodity at its eq...
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Human Resources Practices, Recruitment and Selection Free Essay Example, 2500 words
The company has over 140,000 employees distributed across 50,000 drop-off points operating over 645 aircraft and about 42,000 motor vehicles across its network. The mission for FedEx is to produce superior financial returns for its shareowners by providing high value-added logistics, transportation and related business services (FedEx, 2012). The philosophy of people-service-profit, PSP has been adopted to guide the company in achieving this. This philosophy rides on the postulation that establishing a culture that respects and rewards employees would cause a delivery of exceptional service to its esteemed customers who would, in turn, reward the organization with business and loyalty thus creating a profitable enterprise (Jackson, Schuler Werner, 2012). Since the inception of the corporation, the management has been keen to provide a suitable working environment for its employees that would enhance innovative solutions. This has been reciprocated by employees who have exhibited a n exemplary commitment to their work evidenced by their willingness to use their personal assets during the period when the company faced serious financial troubles so as to meet its obligations to the customers (Jackson, Schuler Werner, 2012). We will write a custom essay sample on Human Resources Practices, Recruitment and Selection or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Even at times when the employees did not receive their salaries on time, they still worked. Being a service organization, its founder, Smith believed that success would be heavily pegged on its employees, giving rise to the 1973 PSP philosophy. This philosophy considered the welfare of an employee as paramount to the provision of efficient service to customers who would, in turn, generate profits for the organization. This was the basis of all management decisions at FedEx henceforth, including formulation of its human resource practices. Recruitment refers to the human resource process where people needed to fill in particular vacancies would be discovered, developed, sought and attracted. Selection, on the other hand, involves the use of personal information to determine who to hire (Adeleye, 2011).
Unemployment And Its Effects On The Economy - 1452 Words
Unemployment occurs when a person who is actively seeking employment but unable to find work. It is often used as measure of the health of the economy and has been one of Australiaââ¬â¢s most serious long term economic challenges in recent decades. Economic growth is an ongoing process of increase in the production capacity of goods and services over a period of time. This determines economic wealth and individual living standards. These two economic issues have been a continuous matter within Australia, however the government has been actively addressing it with several policies which are varying in effectiveness. Unemployment has been one of the most persistent of all economic issues, leading to rising debates from economists over the causes of it and policies which should be used to address the matter. Australiaââ¬â¢s unemployment rate has continued to be volatile with fluctuations every few years due to several mishaps however, has remained relatively stable for a decade. According to the unemployment rate reported by the Australian Bureau of Statistic, from 1978 to 2015 Australia is averaged to be 6.9 percent, with record high 10.9 percent in 1992 and an all-time low of 4 percent in 2008. During the early 1990s, Australia underwent the effects of the global recession causing a significant upsurge in unemployment rates, its highest level since the Great Depression of the 1930s. The falling aggregate demand, caused by this mishap, prompted cutbacks in production and theShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Unemployment On The Economy1656 Words à |à 7 Pagesscarcity of resources exists in the economy. This means in the sense that only finite and insufficient resources are available to satisfy the needs and wants of all human beings. Since resources are scarce the basic idea revolves around how resources should be allocated and utilized effectively and efficiently. Moreover how resources can be put to use to give out a maximum efficient output. Human beings are one of the greatest resources present in the economy. The underutilization of human beingsRead MoreUnemployment And Its Effects On The Economy1283 Words à |à 6 PagesINTRODUCTION:- Unemployment happens when a person who is effectively looking for work is not able to look for some kind of employment. Unemployment is regularly utilized as wellbeingââ¬â¢s measure of the economy. The most as often as possible referred to measure of unemployment is the unemployment rate. This is the quantity of unemployed persons divided by the quantity of individuals in the work power. The unemployment rate is expressed as a percentage and is calculated as follows: Unemployment rate= UnemployedRead MoreYouth Unemployment And Its Effects On The Economy990 Words à |à 4 PagesBurkett Level 9 Reading Writing 22 February 2017 Youth in Unemployment in Saudi Arabia Unemployment is a phenomenon that occur in any country across globe. It considers as very essential topic because its effects on the country. The unemployment rate is one of the most prominent issues discussed today by politicians, news commentators, and economists. Therefore, higher unemployment rate between youth could affect the economy, politics, and other factors. Many countries across the globeRead MoreUnemployment and Its Effect on the Economy and Society3088 Words à |à 13 PagesUnemployment is an ongoing problem throughout the world. One may asked, what is unemployment? It is the number of persons who are willing and able to work but are unable to find jobs. Unemployment is harmful to a country because it imposes costs on a Society. The cost of employment to a nation can be categorised under three heading, namely à · The Social Cost à · The Cost to the Exchequer à · The Economic Cost The Social Cost of Unemployment The social cost of involuntary unemployment is incalculableRead MoreCauses Of Unemployment And Its Effect On The Economy2406 Words à |à 10 PagesEmpirical research aims to decompose causes of unemployment into those that changed equilibrium and those that caused demand-deficient unemployment. A potential explanation of a rise in the equilibrium unemployment is a rise in the generosity of unemployment benefit relative to wages in work. Therefore people spend longer periods of time unemployed in search for the ââ¬Ërightââ¬â¢ job, thus leading to a rise in equilibrium unemployment. (Begg, 2008, p. 530) In economics, the neoclassical view is that theRead MoreInvoluntary Unemployment And Its Effects On The Economy2903 Words à |à 12 PagesContrary to what some economists believe, involuntary unemployment is a very real and continuous presence in the economy, both past and present. In the United States, the unemployment rate measures the number of people actively looking for a job as a percentage of the labour force. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the current unemployment rate is at 5.4 percent, down from the high unemployment levels of a lingering 10 percent during the most recent recession less than six yearsRead MoreA Brief Note On Unemployment And Its Effect On The Economy864 Words à |à 4 PagesUnemployment plays a huge factor in the appearance of a good economy. All over the world governments try to decrease the amount of people that are unemployed in its country. 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It is a big challenge the country Nigeria has battled with for years now and has maintained a rising trendRead MoreThe Problem, Unemployment, Occurred Of China And Its Effect On Economy941 Words à |à 4 Pages Introduction: In contemporary China, the flourish economy is of great benefits to many industries such as agriculture, urban housing, taxation and medical care, GDP have a buoyant trend at 7.5%, which causes a spurious fact that too many job opportunities can be created by the enhancement of living standard. However, the statistics from World Bank shows that the GDP of China have a slow upward on economy growth in the past decades, which from 11.4% to 7.4%, the year between 2007 and 2008 dramaticallyRead MoreThe Effects Of Unemployment On The United States942 Words à |à 4 PagesOver the course of many years the United States has done a very good job of creating and supplying jobs for the citizens. This could be an effect of our economic standings or is there a reason other countries do better than others? There are many countries that are doing better than the United States in the aspect of unemployment, but the US currently has a very low rate of 4.8% (List of Countries). The cou ntry that is currently doing the best is Qatar with a rate of 0.4%. This could be for many
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Men We Carry in Our Minds Analysis Essay - 889 Words
An Analysis of ââ¬Å"The Men We Carry in Our Mindsâ⬠Alex Pinto British Columbia Institute of Technology LIBS 7001 January 29, 2012 AN ANALYSIS OF ââ¬Å"THE MEN WE CARRY IN OUR MINDSâ⬠In the essay, ââ¬Å"The Men We Carry in Our Mindsâ⬠, Scott Russell Sanders discusses his perspective on men in comparison to the impression that women carry in their minds. Sanders uses a unique way of writing through narration and life experiences to truly illustrate his point that the impressions of men or women are based on ones own life experiences. As a young boy knowing only of the hardships of workingmen, Sanders later experiences drastic social differences when he receives a scholarship to attend a university ââ¬Å"meant for the children of theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Using the colorââ¬â¢s Black and White, Sanders clearly emphasizes the comparison between both completely different social classes. Sanders also states his topic sentence last to support and conclude his comparative narration at the beginning. This ties his narration into his climatic and summarizing point that show the difference between ââ¬Å"the twin polesâ⬠of his early vision of manhood . These are the main ideas of his essay to depict the ââ¬Å"brute toiling animal and the bossâ⬠, which are then mention and described later in the essay. It is an effective way to begin because it directly states the scope of his thesis and previews the upcoming sections to come. As Sanders later develops his image of a hardworking man being either a ââ¬Å"warriorâ⬠or ââ¬Å"toilerâ⬠, he bridges the gap between the poor and the rich by mentioning his scholarship to college. ââ¬Å"A scholarship enabled me not only to attend college, a rare enough feat in my circle, but even to study in a university meant for the children of the richâ⬠(para. 7). This transition also enables him to talk about the hardships that the women experienced in comparison to the men. ââ¬Å"And for the first time I met women who told me that men were guilty of having kept all the joys and privileges of the earth for themselvesâ⬠(para. 7). Near the beginning of the essay, Sanders focusedShow MoreRelatedEssay on Presentation of Self Claim522 Words à |à 3 Pagesââ¬Å"directorâ⬠seeing what goes on in everyday life. He called this observation of the world dramaturgical analysis. He applied terms to this explanation, which include the concepts of status and role. He referred the ââ¬Å"part in a playâ⬠as the status, and then the ââ¬Å"scriptâ⬠is the role. His claim of presentation of self was used to describe ââ¬Å"a personââ¬â¢s efforts to create specific impressions in the minds of others.â⬠Goffman thought that when any individual is around others, they would try to ââ¬Å"put on an actâ⬠Read MoreFunctionalism, Interactionism and Conflict Theory964 Words à |à 4 PagesThree main theories are used to gain a perspective view on our experiences and beliefs of the past, present, and future. These enable people to help gain the knowledge of why people do what they do. The level of stud y and research on these three differ. Functionalists and conflict theories focus on the macro level; where an extensive large scale comparison of society is examined with others of the same general class. 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The menswearRead MoreKing Lear Important Quotes and Summaries1723 Words à |à 7 PagesKING LEAR ACT I Act I, sc. i: quote: ââ¬Å"Fairest Cordelia, that art most rich, being poor; Most choice, forsaken; and most loved, despised!â⬠speaker: King of France to Cordelia analysis: King Lear has disowned his youngest daughter because she did not express in words how much she loved him. When Burgundy and the King of France come to claim her as their love, Lear tells the she is worthless, and ask if they still would want her, Burgundy doesnt but the King of France does. ActRead MoreThe Happiness Advantage By Shawn Achor983 Words à |à 4 PagesAchor s argument is valid in that happiness should come before success because there is a clear advantage to being successful in an individualââ¬â¢s work life, personal sphere, and liveliness if they are happy first and foremost. 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Apparently through a term known as verbal coersion, which allows a large grey area to form between these simple answers to sometimes complicated questions. à à à à à Verbal Coersion isRead MoreThe Happiness Advantage By Shawn Achor986 Words à |à 4 PagesAchor s argument is valid in that happiness should come before success because there is a clear advantage to being successful in an individuals work life, personal sphere, and liveliness if they are happy first and foremost. Achor utilizes a meta-analysis, or the combination of different findings, of over 200 scientific studies to prove his overall theory that happiness leads to success in almost every aspect of life from family to friends to careers and businesses. He does not rely solely on theRead MoreThe Language Of Nature In Thanatopsis By William Cullen Bryant712 Words à |à 3 Pagesââ¬Å"Thanatopsisâ⬠, William Cullen Bryant introduces his logic on why we should see the favorable circumstances within nature. He speculates his reasoning that there is an innate capacity to brighten up all of the sinister thoughts that frequently occur in our brain and consciousness. He elaborates that we shouldnââ¬â¢t take the time to endure the way of perturbing ourselves in relation to death, because death is unavoidable and imminent. Alternatively, we ought to take that time to be grateful and acknowledge the
The Us And Australian Corporate Backgrounds - 1285 Words
The US and Australian corporate backgrounds both differ in industry and company level. With respect to the former, differences are observed in the industry mix of ï ¬ rms characteristics across the two economies. Specifically, a greater concentration of mineral resources public companies is observable in Australian market. For instance, these firms constitute 26% of our sample for the period 2003-2013. With respect to the firm-level differences are also highlighted in both economies. For instance, Schultz et al. (2013) note that board of directors are normally both smaller and have a lower fraction of non-executive directors. Thus, many small resources companies listed on ASX are interested in hiring directors based on their skills andâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦This is in sharp contrast to the US, where these two components account for 25% and 39% of total payment, respectively (Fernandes et al., 2012 and Schultz et al., 2013). In addition, Murphy (2013) and Schultz et al. (20 13) argue that US companies remuneration model is based on tax policies that place a $1 million cap on deductible cash remuneration and US stock exchange listing rules that encourage equity and options components of remuneration. However, comparable inducements in form of regulated payments are not observed in the Australian market (Schultz et al., 2013) and normally, these incentives promote shareholdersââ¬â¢ wealth by aligning managers and stock holders interests. In terms of regulatory settings, Australian public companies are regulated and supervised by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) under the Corporations Act 2001. Therefore, ASIC is charged with responsibility for overseeing the the Act and make sure that Australian listed companies comply with it. Schedule 5 of the Corporations Act requires companies to disclosure top executives remuneration. According to Schultz et al. (2013) and Merhebi et al. (2006) before October 1986 listed companies were obliged to reveal only information about total remuneration of top executive officers who were earning more than
Longfellow and his works Essay Example For Students
Longfellow and his works Essay Longfellow is one of the few poets that put together novel type works. He created some of the best poetry ever written. Longfellowââ¬â¢s narrative poems, such as Evangeline, The song of Hiawatha, and The Courtship of Miles Standish, gave a romanticized view of Americaââ¬â¢s early history and democratic ideals. Evangeline is one of the best long poems ever written by any author. Itââ¬â¢s popularity at through all class distinctions. It was read and loved and pondered over in humble cottages (Wagonknecht P.85). Evangeline was the first long poem in America literature to live beyond its own time, and it would be impossible to exaggerate its vogue, either at home or abroad (Wagonknecht P.85). The historical basis of the story was supplied in 1755 by the expulsion of the French settlers from the vicinity of the boy of Minas in Acadie as an incident of the conflict between France and England for possession of the North American continent (Wagonknecht P.86). In the poem Evangeline they are unable to find Gabriel. Evangelines party arrives at a village and finds Gabrielââ¬â¢s father Basil, who tells Evangeline that Gabriel had left only the day before with a party going to the Ozark Mountains to trade for moles with the Spaniards. The priest assures her, however, that the party will return to the mission in autumn when the hunting season is over. Evangeline decides to accept the priestââ¬â¢s advice to await her lover at the mission. But the autumn comes and passes, with no Gabriel, so she again resumes her pursuit (Williams P.153 154). Gabriel Lajeunesse, in his passiuity and elusiveness, is unconsciously fleeing from Evangeline rather than seeking her out. Certainly he is no dominating and aggressive Odysseus, anymore than Evangeline is a merely stead fast and long-waiting Penelope; and the poem, in itself and in the popular imagination, is hers, not Gabriels (Arvin P.100-101). Evangeline is nothing if not persistent. It apparently never occurred to the Victorian Longfellow that anyone would question the virtue of a maiden who would voyage for years unchaperoned with the rough men of the frontier and even spend a summer and autumn as the only women in a mission full of men (Williams P.154). It is what imparts to Evagneline its particular Longfellow character of delicate and rather teminine pathos, and deprives it of the true heroic strain. But pathos of this sort is a genuine poetic effect, and it is felt and expressed so purely, so appropriately, here as to escape the charge of sentimentality (Arvin P.101-102). The Song of Hiawatha is one of the few great long poems by Longfellow. Longfellow, in the eyes of Henry Rowe Schoolcraft (1793 ââ¬â 1864), ethnologist, explorer, and Indian Agent, who had married a half ââ¬â Ojibway woman, and who would give credit to Longfellow with having, for the time, portrayed the Indian correctly in the literature. Lon gfellow combined the mythical with the historical and undercut the heroic stature of his characters by presenting them as ââ¬Å"child ââ¬â like and immature,â⬠not universally human. Sometimes he presented nature as in different to human wants and sometimes as sympathetic (Wagenknecht p. 102 and 96). Hiawatha is a long and many ââ¬â sided poem, in which readers mat be trusted to fin their own tastes and interests, but one can hardly believe that many would fail to respond to the famous passages from ââ¬Å"Hiawathââ¬â¢a childhoodâ⬠in canto 3 (Wagenknecht p. 99). Hiawatha is not born by immaculate conception nor does he spring full-grown from the brow of a god, but he does have a supernatural origin. The ââ¬Å"beautiful Nokomis,â⬠who is ââ¬Å"a wife, but not a mother,â⬠through the act of a jealous rival falls from the moon to a beautiful meadow on earth, where she gives birth to a winsome daughter, Wenonah. Nokomis warned Wenonah against the west ââ¬â wind, but vainly so she ââ¬Å" Bore a son of love and sorrow.â⬠Thus was born my Hiawatha. Hiawathaââ¬â¢s mother dies deserted by the faithless west ââ¬â wind, and the ââ¬Å"child of wonderâ⬠is reared by his grandmother Nokomis until he finds out about his mother and his fickle fathe r. Despites Nokomis attempt to dissuade him, as he sets out to
Comparative Analysis of Factors Marketing
Question: Discuss about the Comparative Analysis of Factors Marketing. Answer: Introduction Currently, the technology has remained indispensable tool most companies are utilizing to enhance their competitive edge (Centeno Hart, 2012). Besides human resource practices, most companies have tripled the efforts asserted to gain a deeper understanding of the current consumer behavior and provide products and services that completely tally with users expectations (Greg, 2007). The objective to gain a significant market share has not been easy because of various factors that sharp across the internal and external metrics. With the advancements in technology, the marketing techniques are rapidly changing. Some of the justifications unfolded by several types of research for the change include the accessibility of a wide range of data, marketing formats and online places that have enhanced the integration of digital marketing channels (Centeno Hart, 2012). The embrasure of social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter has redefined the current marketing approaches. The marketing practices have been simplified to the level small and medium scale enterprises can afford some to reach the target markets. Technology, therefore, has positively shaped marketing and promotional techniques that have fostered the application of IMC that plays a critical role in ensuring that all the target population is timely reached (Chen et al., 2007). In gaining an in-depth understanding of the effects of technology on marketing communications, a literature review is performed. Furthermore, the report has extended to cover the relevance of marketing communications in creating competitive advantage in small and medium enterprises. For the assessment to be realistic, one company is selected among the SMEs in Singapore to reflect the unquantifiable contributions technology has played in keeping different companies competitive. Literature review The tremendous change in the level of technological advancement has spurred interest in most scholars who have launched a mission of getting the full comprehension of the plight of technology in enhancing organizations success (Nagra et al., 2012). Currently, technology has facilitated the combined use of traditional types of marketing with online advertising to achieve efficient conveyance of brand messages to the prospective customers (Jarvinen et al., 2012). Also, the degree of use of the contemporary Integrated Marketing Communication tool by companies has intensified as a result of the dynamic and revolutionary change in the commercialization and sales promotion practices (Centeno Hart, 2012). The internet, however, is mostly epitomized to convey marketing messages to the existing and prospective product users. Contrary to the ancient period when cinemas, shows, and exhibition were used to showcase companies products, Social media, emails, search engines, display advertising and the mobile advertising have currently emerged and proved to be effective when used by corporations to convey persuading and value messages to the public (Dinner et al., 2014). Apparently, technological advancements have played a critical role in facilitating the multi-channel strategy of marketing and gives a broad access to potential consumers. Evidently, the cost of Internet marketing is cheaper compared to other methods hence the best for small sized businesses (Chen et al., 2007). Today, companies have accorded different objectives on the internet communications that include; creating awareness, generation of interest, disseminating the brand and company information and the gaining a greater co nsideration in the competitive market (Weinberg, 2009). Unlike the traditional forms that primarily focused on the educational objective. At the initial stages, there was the use web marketing like the e-commerce, the affiliate marketing, and the search engines. As time moved, the email marketing was introduced and further the social media marketing where sites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and the Digg are heavily used by companies to enhance the IMC approach (Rezvani et al., 2012). In late 1996, there was the growing interest by businesses to apply IMC creating a comparative advantage. This need arose when companies desired to provide more than just advertising (Belch, 2014). The emergence of the IMC marketing tool in the 1990s signaled a new era in the marketing industry where it became a tool where every retailer and user turned a focus on it. Apparently, various changes have occurred from the introduction of IMC to date. The recent advancement in technology and the rapid proliferation has revolutionized the IMC to give it a better meaning (Belch, 2014). This concept of Integrated Marketing in the modern business environment where competition for customers is the order of the day has involved the interconnectedness of various sophisticated tools just to ensure a company achieves marketing objectives (Bengtsson et al., 2007). With globalization in play, most companies no longer worry about geographical barriers and a company can operate at any market provided it can ethically compete with others to meet the ever-changing desires of the consumers (Greg, 2007). Apparently, a technological breakthrough has redefined the application of various marketing and promotional tools and enhanced coordination in the way they are applied (Pomirleanu, 2013). It has become a culture that during the planning process, the organization usually considers the workability of combining several forms of marketing and promotion for a common goal. For instance, during the launch of a new product, a joint use of promotional tools is important. They include; Advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, Internet marketing, direct marketing, publicity, print and broadcast media, out of home media, word of mouth, point purchase, events, and sponsorships and product placements are considered (Nagra et al., 2012). However, the application of various marketing and promotional tools is not a guarantee of success. It can either be informative or just a winning strategy. The success and pretty impression can be achieved through other factors like quality and the alignment of the product or service with customers preferences. As time is always variable, so do customers. The fast changing needs are fashion and quality oriented rather than the convictions and promotional strategies applied by sales persons (Belch, 2014). Indeed, the marketers usually disseminate the information regarding the product to attract users. Afterward, the few who purchases and use the product will examine if the marketing message accorded to the product tally (Dinner et al., 2014). The differences in quality at the disadvantage of the buyer can consequently result in reduced market share, derailed company reputation and the IMC strategy adopted will be futile. The available scholarly writings significantly advocate that mar keting should reflect intent to inform, attract, persuade and maintain customers and it imperatively depends on product quality and promotional mix employed (Abid and Scheepers, 2011). The adoption of internet marketing as a medium of communication gives companies an opportunity to use advanced technological methods procedures and methods to enhance effective delivery of quality products to customers. Such changes significantly contribute to the creation of awareness and generating interest due to the ability to cross both the geographical and the national boundaries (Kraus et al., 2009). Dissemination of information concerning product features and establishing a strong brand and company image are important factors that organizations focus on as they formulate marketing strategies. However the management, in the past has failed to integrate and coordinate all the marketing and communication tools properly. They do not recognize the importance of a comprehensive understanding of the significance of installing marketing software programs that facilitate instant customer feedbacks (Fan Tsai, 2014). Incorporation of relevant marketing communication channels by the organization is a strategy that leads to a broad access to the target market (Abid and Scheepers, 2011). The increased use of the internet by billion groups of people in the world provides an opportunity for marketers to reach more customers in a short period. It is easy to make several advertisements concerning a product on the website portfolio through the interstitials and banners. Such programs are convenie nt, and the company is assured of elegant communications. The internet is the best medium of a marketing channel that helps in availing all the information concerning the company and its products to the buyers (Kraus et al., 2009). Despite the positive outcomes resulting from the use of online marketing, there several limitations associated with it such as Firms incur high costs of starting a website, purchasing of the right software and hardware and the maintenance costs. The risk of losing customers who do not use the internet is a challenge that the management of organizations should continuously consider before establishing appropriate marketing strategies. Lastly, the vulnerability of the fraudulent activities is high on the internet (Chaffey Patron, 2012). For example spamming in the websites of companies, where hackers steal confidential information of the enterprise. They use such data to change the features of a product and distract the perception of customers regarding brand identity and image. The development of electronic commerce has facilitated online buying and selling of goods and services (Rezvani et al., 2012). It accelerates convenience and helps in providing a variety of property from which customers can make their selection (Fan Tsai, 2014). Another concept that has resulted from the technology advancement is the Web 2.0 that allows customers to participate in branding the image of a company in the form of content contribution and reading. Such developments ensure convenience and greater access to information by clients and also offers a wider product selection forum with lower prices (Jovanov Conevska, 2011). Technology changes have led to a significant improvement in the marketing field used by organizations. There is a simplification of the overall production process distribution and message delivery channels for goods and services to the customers (Ahmed et al., 2014). In gaining competitive advantage, firms should properly integrate all the marketing communication tools and align them with their goals and objectives. Hence, proper situation analysis, budgeting and evaluation tactics are the measures that can facilitate proper application of the developments discussed above. Analysis of how developed marketing communications benefit Osim International Osim International is a retail and distribution company whose main products are massage chairs and fitness equipment. It was established by Ron Sim who is the current CEO of the company, and the main headquarter is situated in Singapore. The firm has an overwhelming performance as it is the leader in the healthcare products industry with a total of 827 retail outlets (Pentina et al., 2012). The strong performance is as a result of good market reception by the targeted audience. The vision of Osim International is to become a globally recognized leader in the distribution of healthy lifestyle products, while the mission is to inspire the well-being of the community by motivating people to focus on their health and challenge them to do their best to ensure the fitness of the body. The healthcare industry is competitive, and the customers prefer products whose features and new updates improve their health, well-being and enhances total fitness (Jovanov Conevska, 2011). Osim International uses celebrity marketing, where the Hong Kong superstars create awareness of the existing and new company products. Such marketing approach leads to increase in sales and also high return on investment. It also focuses on profitability by making sure that they bring in new customers and keep the existing ones by offering a wide selection of healthy lifestyle products mainly the massage chairs (Gassmann Keupp, 2007). In pricing their products, the company bases their decision on the substitute products offered by their primary competitors such as Ottawa and Otto. Despite the competitive pricing in the industry, customers still prefer products from Osim due to the high quality and creation of customer value. Building good reputations and loyal clienteles aids in ensuring that there is accelerated growth of business operations. The way marketing personnel convey their messages to the public should be monitored through the active application of the modern marketing to ols. Therefore it is necessary for the Osim International to adapt to the technological changes in the business environment which will, in turn, lead to gaining a high competitive advantage in the healthcare industry (Diamond, 2008). The healthcare industry in the modern world is highly competitive, and the customers prefer products and services whose features and new updates improve their health, well-being and ensures fitness (Jovanov Conevska, 2011). The adoption of online marketing can give rise to a superior product differentiation. To achieve a greater competitive advantage, the managers of Osim International should improve their marketing efforts in the following ways; carrying out an online assessment of their target audience, developing a proper marketing plan and facilitating branding and public relations promotions (Chen et al., 2007). The enterprise should ensure there is the intensive use of the electronic commerce through the firms website which promotes the online buying and selling of products both locally and internationally (Chaffey Patron, 2012). The maximum use of the modern internet advertising forms can help reach more target audience. As a result, the Osim brand and image enhances due to creation value and awareness of the available products. The achievement of the stakeholders interests in the e-commerce is a benefit facilitated by the developments in the modern technology (Diamond, 2008). Osim International should put more efforts on establishing new technological methods of production and distribution channels that can enhance the relationship between the company, its employees, customers and other businesses in the industry. Such bond is important as it facilitates the formulation of collaborations, partnerships, alliances or amalgamations (Gassmann, Keupp, 2007). Advancement in the methods and procedures of marketing gives it an opportunity to vary the promotional mix elements through the electronic forums like the e-mail, bulletin boards and the Web. The implementation of the current marketing channels facilitates efficient conveyance of product quality and features to the public. The social media network interactions facilitate engagement of customers through the online games and contests (Ahmed et al., 2014). There is a frequent communication between the Osim marketing personnel and the users thus building a strong bond between the firms and their clients. The internet is the branding medium that leads to easy access to the target audience through the banners, pop-ups, and links. Online personal selling and promotion help corporate communicators to boost their brand identity and sales and therefore to give them a greater position to outdo the competitors (Cronin-Gilmore, 2012). Small and medium-sized enterprises often develop communication plans that are cost effective and which focuses on the needs of the desired audience. To achieve their goals and objectives, they should integrate all the marketing communication channels (Dlodlo Dhurup, 2013). The application of a variety of communication tools leads to an in-depth definition and consistency of the messages conveyed to the prospective buyers. The enforcement of the marketing communication mix in Osim International leads to the accountability of all the parties involved. The concept of viral marketing is emerging in the small and medium-sized enterprises. It leads to the establishment of appropriate promotion campaigns (Abed and Sahar, 2010). This trend aims at different marketing methods like the mass marketing, one-to-one marketing, and direct marketing with the goal of ensuring convenience and efficient delivery of promotional objectives. Conclusion In conclusion, technology has positively and negatively impacted the marketing communication channels in different organizations. Therefore, firms should develop marketing strategies and measures that facilitate customer loyalty and satisfaction. Such step gives a company to have a significantly high competitive edge in the industry in which it carries out its business activities. As a result, meaningful product features and benefits are delivered to clients and promotion of the brand name and image of an organization. Incorporation of integrated marketing communications lead to the reassurance of timely reminders, current data and available special offers to buyers and also facilitate repeat purchase in the industry. Adopting internet marketing can result in better target marketing which leads in better competitive advantages. References Abid, A.R. and Scheepers, H. (2011). Experienced Benefits and Barriers of e-Business Technology Adoption by SME suppliers. BIMA Publishing Communications of the IBIMA Abed, A. and Sahar, M., (2010). The Impact of Social Networking Websites to Facilitate the Effectiveness of Viral Marketing: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 1, No.6 Ahmed, M. U., Kristal, M. M., Pagell, M. (2014). Impact of operational and marketing capabilities on firm performance: Evidence from economic growth and downturns. International Journal of Production Economics, 154, 5971. Belch, G.E., (2014). 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Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Would Elizabeth have been right to feel flattered by those characters The Faerie Queene that have been read as images of her Essay Example For Students
Would Elizabeth have been right to feel flattered by those characters The Faerie Queene that have been read as images of her? Essay Examining images of Elizabeth within the context of The Faerie Queene seems initially simple: she is central to everything in and around the poem; imagined most obviously in the form of Gloriana, the Great Lady of the greatest isle, a powerful and divine being. Yet this flattering image is not entirely unproblematic, as the imaginary and undoubtedly glorious, religious figure undermines Elizabeths real existence. Most significantly Gloriana is defined by her absence, she remains the unattainable mythical figure and Spensers imagery portrays this as being the case too with Elizabeth. Elizabeth is defined then by the poles of mythical and historical or perhaps more simply by the ideal and the real_. If the ideal cannot be realised then there is little hope for the real. Thus the intended flattery may also be read as critique; an example of what Elizabeth should be and not what she actually is. We will write a custom essay on Would Elizabeth have been right to feel flattered by those characters The Faerie Queene that have been read as images of her? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now It is evident upon reading the poem that any criticism is not immediately evident and expressed only through allegory. An examination of the social and economic situation in which Spenser lived and wrote makes clear certain obligations and requirements of his poem. In his article The Elizabethan Subject and The Spenserian text, Louis Adrian Montrose discusses how The Elizabethan Subject is both the Queens subject, Edmund Spenser, but also the Queen-as-subject, subject of and in her subjects discourse, in the Spensarian text. Thus Elizabeth is not only the subject of The Faerie Queene but in her role as Spensers lord, sponsor and provider, the creator of the fiction or at least its editor. It is arguable then that Spenser had a certain dependency on portraying flattering images of Elizabeth as a method of monetary and social advancement. Yet Spensers involvement in the aggressive politics of the Leicester faction and in particular the policies of the Earl of Essex explains his manipul ation of allegory to form a subtle critique of his Queen. Her shortcomings are illustrated as an expression of Spensers politics, beliefs that are necessarily disguised. Praise is however still heaped upon Elizabeth in those characters which are evidently to be read as images of her. Immediately in Book One we encounter Una who is representative of purity, the virgin borne of heavenly brood and the embodiment of the true church. Her recovery of her homeland represents the unity of the nation and the institution of the Protestant faith by Elizabeth. Similarly Florimell, Belphoebe and Britomart also exemplify the Queens quality of chaste virtue and the consummate figure of Mercilla, a most sacred wight most debonayre and free,/That ever yet upon this earth was seene, adds to the group of characters whose association with Elizabeth would surely flatter her. While the characteristics of these women are certainly those that Elizabeth would have wished to embody, it is also important to clearly examine Spensers intention in the conception of these images. The models of Elizabeth do glorify her but it is also possible that she is superseded by these fictionalà representations, as the contrast between the mythic and the real is firmly established. The mythical characters seemingly surpass Elizabeth in their values. Yet a closer examination of the portrayals of these characters may reveal a critique of these same images. Certainly Florimell, while virtuously chaste, is portrayed as an image of female vulnerability, she is constantly hunted from one place to another in an attempt to escape the lusty intentions of men. She is rendered helpless in most situations, in a similar way to Amoret. This persistent drive to escape the intentions of men perhaps mirrors Elizabeths private concerns. Florimells perpetual desire to run is presented almost as paranoia and as a fear of male sexuality. The image is passive and weak and in this way Elizabeths same positive decision not to marry is reduced to a girlish, giggly fear. .u24fb1b353e79860287c784b5fc0d2e14 , .u24fb1b353e79860287c784b5fc0d2e14 .postImageUrl , .u24fb1b353e79860287c784b5fc0d2e14 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u24fb1b353e79860287c784b5fc0d2e14 , .u24fb1b353e79860287c784b5fc0d2e14:hover , .u24fb1b353e79860287c784b5fc0d2e14:visited , .u24fb1b353e79860287c784b5fc0d2e14:active { border:0!important; } .u24fb1b353e79860287c784b5fc0d2e14 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u24fb1b353e79860287c784b5fc0d2e14 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u24fb1b353e79860287c784b5fc0d2e14:active , .u24fb1b353e79860287c784b5fc0d2e14:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u24fb1b353e79860287c784b5fc0d2e14 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u24fb1b353e79860287c784b5fc0d2e14 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u24fb1b353e79860287c784b5fc0d2e14 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u24fb1b353e79860287c784b5fc0d2e14 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u24fb1b353e79860287c784b5fc0d2e14:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u24fb1b353e79860287c784b5fc0d2e14 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u24fb1b353e79860287c784b5fc0d2e14 .u24fb1b353e79860287c784b5fc0d2e14-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u24fb1b353e79860287c784b5fc0d2e14:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Tobias Wolff as a strange writer EssayBelphoebe is another image that is strongly aligned with Elizabeth, she is a model of chastity and a most vertuous and beautiful Lady who, we are told in the Letter to Ralegh, figures Elizabeth as her private self, just as Gloriana is the ideal embodiment of the queens public figure. She is a divine character, conceived by light, whose beauty and spiritual strength associate her with Gloriana, and in her virginity she is an ensample to all women. However if we examine Belphoebes effect on Arthurs squire, Timias, which leads to the destruction of his aspirations to knighthood, we can see perhaps Spensers underlying criticism. Belphoebe prevents Timias from fulfilling his expected masculine role, she even affects his mental faculties rendering him unable to speak. This episode, at a level of historical allegory, clearly refers to Raleghs pursuit of Elizabeth, which led to his fall from grace. Belphoebe plays a double role within the allegory, posing as a flattering image of the virgin queen, while simultaneously usurping this apparent praise. The situation expresses succinctly the very real fear of many of Elizabeths subjects. Her power evidently derived from her lineage, her position as Henry VIIIs daughter ensured her entitlement to the throne and yet certain tensions remain with her assumption of that role. Elizabeths very presence as the figure head of the nation lead to an certain feeling of emasculation in her courtiers and in fact in her everyday people. The general concern was based on the fact that the very notion of a female monarch was socially as well as politically disturbing; and that it would lead to the dissolution of gender identities. Their desire then, undeniably, was for a king and this was a feeling that Essexs rebellion attempted to exploit. The psychological wish for a king worked very much against Elizabeth. Controlling the various factions within her court was one of her greatest challenges. What evoked criticism from her contemporaries was not her actual political manipulation of the factions, but her use of her femininity with which to do so. Courtiers were uncertain about exactly how to approach and address Elizabeth, Ralegh took theà style of a courtly lover, using Petrarchian discourse to discuss the power of women over men and the frustration that this caus ed. This quest for love_ appeared unnatural in the context of the sixteenth century and the image of Elizabeths court was equated to a mistress surrounded by suitors or a mother surrounded by her children. This immediately, perhaps intentionally, recalls the image of the procession of the seven vices behind Lucifera in the House of Pride, and this allegory is made more applicable by Luciferas personal pride, as Elizabeth herself was deeply concerned with pageantry, dancing and dress; female concerns around which her court was centred. Evidently Lucifera is not intended as a representation of Elizabeth but connections can certainly be made, which serve not only as criticism, but also distance Elizabeth from Gloriana, the historical from the mythical. Furthermore although Elizabeth is strongly aligned with the positive characters in The Faerie Queene, it is also important to note that each of these figures of virtue has an antithetical figure of vice. The most obvious of these is Duessa, whose duplicity contrasts Unas singleness of faith. Britomarts adversary takes the form of Radigund, the Amazon queen and the palace of Mercilla, an exemplary place of justice forms an opposition with th e excesses and earthliness of Luciferas House of Pride. The presence of conflicting images can be interpreted either as foils, further reflecting the goodness of those images that are to be read as mirrors of Elizabeth. Alternatively Elizabeth and her regime are tainted by the comparison to these less successful characters. Certainly, the presence of the various, conflicting portraits of matriarchal courts serves to throw a different light upon Elizabeths administration. Her court centred largely around her maintenance of power and this involved securing domination away from the aristocracy into the autocracy. In this way Elizabeth, not only by her presence but by her actions too was seen as attempting to dominate over men, effeminising them. Her role of dominant female, her politics and her attitude meant that as men, nobles and courtiers, her subjects were left uncertain and frustrated. .u7862756608c43cd000b28f6356a9dcc5 , .u7862756608c43cd000b28f6356a9dcc5 .postImageUrl , .u7862756608c43cd000b28f6356a9dcc5 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7862756608c43cd000b28f6356a9dcc5 , .u7862756608c43cd000b28f6356a9dcc5:hover , .u7862756608c43cd000b28f6356a9dcc5:visited , .u7862756608c43cd000b28f6356a9dcc5:active { border:0!important; } .u7862756608c43cd000b28f6356a9dcc5 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7862756608c43cd000b28f6356a9dcc5 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7862756608c43cd000b28f6356a9dcc5:active , .u7862756608c43cd000b28f6356a9dcc5:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7862756608c43cd000b28f6356a9dcc5 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7862756608c43cd000b28f6356a9dcc5 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7862756608c43cd000b28f6356a9dcc5 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7862756608c43cd000b28f6356a9dcc5 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7862756608c43cd000b28f6356a9dcc5:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7862756608c43cd000b28f6356a9dcc5 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7862756608c43cd000b28f6356a9dcc5 .u7862756608c43cd000b28f6356a9dcc5-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7862756608c43cd000b28f6356a9dcc5:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A Comparison of Macbeth and Crime and Punishment EssayIn Spensers portrayal of Radigund we see perhaps these central concerns illustrated. Radigund, A Princesse of great powre, and greater pride,/And Queene of Amazons, in armes well tride has established a matriarchal society where: Many brave knights, whose names right well he knew, There bound tobay that Amazons proud law, Spinning and carding all in comely rew. Thus, the effeminised condition, a central concern of Elizabeths courtiers is exemplified and while Elizabeth attempted to distance herself from imposing upon the principles of the established patriarchal hierarchy by stressing her royal exception, she was always to pose a psychological threat. In a similar way to Belphoebe, Elizabeths body natural, Radigund was responsible for feminising men. Therefore it is interesting to note that while Belphoebe should be the protagonist of Book III, Of Chastity, instead it is another female, Britomart, who assumes this role.à Britomart adheres then more closely to Spensers idealised view of chastity, a view clearly influenced by his understanding of kingship. Britomart is subservient to the patriarchal ideology, and thus a reflection of how Elizabeth should be. She conceals her femininity behind male armour, slays Radigund and goes on to reform her matriarchy, repealing womens rights and liberty and them restoring/To mens subjection, did true Iustice deale. Britomart then, while chaste, also gives her private body to the good of the state by marrying Artegall and producing a succession of great leaders, culminating in Elizabeth. The historical Elizabeth however refuses to marry and produce an heir, which evoked widespread criticism from courtiers who remained deeply concerned about the progression of the throne and the strength of the monarchy. Specifically Elizabeth also refused to name a successor until her deathbed, causing unrest and enormous uncertainty. The need for assurance is echoed in Spensers poetry and the description of the anticipated mythic Elizabeth being a royall virgin.,which shall Stretch her white rod ouer the Belgicke shore, And the great castle smite so sore with all, That it shall make him shake, and shortly lerne to fall Obviously this Elizabeth is the idealised version and Spenser arguably uses her as an inspiration for the real Elizabeth. His involvement with the Leicester faction explains what can be interpreted as a call for Elizabeth to enlist on a more militant foreign policy, to fight abroad and protect the Netherlands from the might of Catholic Spain. In his flattering portrayal of an autocratic ruler Spenser in fact demonstrates Elizabeths weakness and uncertainty in comparison to the mythic heroine. Finally, then, it is evident that on the surface Elizabeth would be flattered by the images which are to be viewed as portrayals of her; yet it is impossible to fail to note Spensers intent beneath the superficies. The mythical heroines both celebrate Elizabeth and undermine her potency and in a parallel manner the figures of vice elucidate subtly problems evident in Elizabeths reign. What seems central is that each of the images that represent or mirrors Elizabeth reflect certain valuable human qualities, yet these fail to come together into a coherent whole, in the shape of Gloriana. The final conclusion must be drawn from Glorianas absence, if she is not fully realised in the text then it is impossible that she should exist in reality. Spensers flattery, then, becomes little more than a screen for expressing a politically ineffable truth.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Sample Essay About Descripting the Hometown
Sample Essay About Descripting the HometownIn this article, I'll go over some sample essay about describing the hometown. First of all, if you're looking for an effective way to describe your hometown and to convey your feelings about it, then I think this is an excellent essay example.The sample essay begins with the introduction paragraph. This is the first paragraph of the whole essay. In this paragraph, we start off by asking about the reader's thoughts about the topic. Next, we discuss a few reasons why the reader might be having those thoughts.The next paragraph goes into a discussion of the listener's comments about describing the hometown. It gives more details about some typical things that the readers are thinking about. It also gives examples of those common places and characteristics. This article also shows how the person delivering the opinion should describe the town in his or her own words. This is a very important part of the essay.After that, the second paragraph ta lks about why a person might be interested in learning more about his or her home town. We also talk about ways of knowing more about the town.It talks about the difficulty of knowing these things in the way of knowing the books and reading about the town. It tells us that we should also learn about the town through visiting it, reading about it, and from other sources.The third paragraph of the sample essay describes how we can learn more about the town in a couple of ways. It talks about reading newspapers about the town, reading periodicals about the town, listening to the radio about the town, and watching news programs about the town.Finally, the fourth paragraph gives an interesting fact about the town. It tells us that many people know the city of Milton Keynes even though they live a long way away. It also tells us that it has a population that is about ninety-four thousand five hundred, and three-hundred sixty-two persons a day.The sample essay about describing the hometown is a very good guide to help you craft a successful essay. It uses the basic themes that I discussed above, but the writer has to take the time to explain the full details of those themes so that he or she can become a more effective essayist.
Monday, March 16, 2020
Why School Attendance Matters and Strategies to Improve It
Why School Attendance Matters and Strategies to Improve It School attendance matters. It is arguably one of the most important indicators of school success. You cannot learn what you are not there to learn. Students who attend school regularly improve their chances of being academically successful. There are obvious exceptions to both sides of the rule. There are a few students deemed academically successful who also have attendance issues and a few students who struggle academically who are always present. However, in most cases, strong attendance correlates with academic success, and poor attendance correlates with academic struggles. To understand the importance of attendance and the influence the lack thereof has, we must first define what constitutes both satisfactory and poor attendance.à Attendance Works, a non-profit dedicated to improving school attendance, has categorized school attendance into three distinct categories. Students who have 9 or fewer absences are satisfactory. Those with 10-17 absences are exhibiting warning signs for potential attendance issues.à Students with 18 or more absences have a clear cut chronic attendance issue. These numbers are based on the traditional 180-day school calendar. Teachers and administrators will agree that the students who need to be at school the most are the ones that are seemingly seldom there. Poor attendance creates significant learning gaps. Even if students complete the make-up work, they most likely will not learn and retain the information as well as if they had been there. Make-up work can pile up very quickly. When students return from an extended hiatus, they not only have to complete the make-up work, but they also have to contend with their regular classroom assignments. Students often make the decision to rush through or completely ignore the make-up work so that they can keep pace with their regular class studies.à Doing this naturally creates a learning gap and causes the studentââ¬â¢s grades to drop. Over time, this learning gap increases to the point where it becomes nearly impossible to close. Chronic absenteeism will lead to frustration for the student. The more they miss, the more difficult it becomes to catch up. Eventually, the student gives up altogether putting them on a path towards being a high school dropout. Chronic absenteeism is a key indicator that a student will drop out. This makes it even more critical to find early intervention strategies to prevent attendance from ever becoming an issue. The amount of schooling missed can quickly add up. Students who enter school at kindergarten and miss an average of 10 days per year until they graduate high school will miss 140 days. According to the definition above, this student would not have an attendance problem. However, all together that student would miss nearly an entire year of school when you add everything together. Now compare that student with another student who has a chronic attendance issue and misses an average of 25 days a year. The student with a chronic attendance issue has 350 missed days or almost two entire years. It is no wonder that those who have attendance issues are almost always further behind academically than their peers who have satisfactory attendance. Strategies to Improve School Attendance Improving school attendance can prove to be a difficult endeavor.à Schools often have very little direct control in this area. Most of the responsibility falls on the studentââ¬â¢s parents or guardians, especially the elementary aged ones.à Many parents simply do not understand how important attendance is. They do not realize how quickly missing even a day a week can add up. Furthermore, they do not understand the unspoken message that they are relaying to their children by allowing them to miss school regularly.à Finally, they do not understand that they are not only setting their children up to fail in school, but also in life. For these reasons, it is essential that elementary schools in particular focus on educating parents on the value of attendance.à Unfortunately, most schools operate under the assumption that all parents already understand how important attendance is, but that those whose children have a chronic attendance issue are simply ignoring it or do not value education. The truth is that most parents want what is best for their children, but have not learned or been taught what that is. Schools must invest a significant amount of their resources to educate their local community adequately on the importance of attendance. Regular attendance should play a part in the daily anthem of a school and a critical role in defining the culture of a school. The fact is that every school has an attendance policy. In most cases, that policy is only punitive in nature meaning that it simply provides parents with an ultimatum that essentially says ââ¬Å"get your child to school or else.â⬠à Those policies, while effective for a few, will not deter many for whom it has become easier to skip school than it is to attend. For those, you have to show them and prove to them that attending school on a regular basis will help lead to a brighter future. Schools should be challenged to develop attendance policies and programs that are more preventive in nature than they are punitive. This begins with getting to the root of the attendance issues on an individualized level. School officials must be willing to sit down with parents and listen to their reasons for why their children are absent without being judgmental. This allows the school to form a partnership with the parent wherein they can develop an individualized plan for improving attendance, a support system for follow through, and a connection to outside resources if necessary. This approach will not be easy. It will take a lot of time and resources. However, it is an investment that we should be willing to make based on how important we know attendance to be.à Our goal should be to get every child to school so that the effective teachers we have in place can do their jobs. When that happens, the quality of our school systems will improve significantly.
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